Achim Schwenk
(EMMI/TU Darmstadt)
06/12/2011, 14:00
This talk will discuss three-nucleon forces and their impact on the structure of neutron-rich nuclei, with a focus on the neutron-rich calcium and oxygen isotopes.
Olof Tengblad
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES))
06/12/2011, 14:30
The ability to produce beams of unstable nuclei has changed Nuclear Physics experiments. These beams permit fundamental experiments in order to understand the nuclear structure and processes of astrophysical interest far out from the Valley of Stability.
The REX-ISOLDE facility has allowed us to carry out experiments with exotic nuclei, in an energy range never explored up to date,...
Vivek Parkar
(University of Huelva)
06/12/2011, 15:00
The talk will focus on the reaction dynamics studies at Pelletron, Mumbai, India with the three weakly bound stable nuclei : 6,7Li and 9Be. The suppression in fusion cross-sections at above Coulomb barrier energies, the inclusive and exclusive breakup studies and the dipole polarizability studies for 7Li and 9Be will be highlighted.
Konstanze Boretzky
06/12/2011, 15:20
In this talk I will discuss briefly the experimental concept of the R3B experiment and concentrate on some of its recent results concerning two types of reactions, namely quasi-free scattering and electromagnetic excitation.
Quasi-free scattering aims at a detailed study of the single-particle structure of nuclei, while electromagnetic excitation is being used to study the collective...