Susanne Kreim
(Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
12/5/11, 1:35 PM
Precision Penning-trap mass measurements carried out in the heavy-mass region are very suitable to investigate mainly topics related to the rapid-neutron-capture process and nuclear structure. Higher-order nucleon interactions caused by small changes in the binding energy, which are expected to be small compared to the total mass, yet very localized. In conjunction with the mass measurements...
Elisa Rapisarda
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
12/5/11, 2:05 PM
Extensive studies on Cu neutron-rich isotopes have been performed in recent years at REX-ISOLDE in the aim to investigate the nuclear structure in the vicinity of the N=40 sub-shell closure. In particular the study of odd-odd 68,70Cu nuclei was reported in [1] where for the first time low-energy Coulomb excitation measurements with isomeric radioactive post-accelerated beams were performed....
Dieter Pauwels
(Belgian Nuclear Research Center (BE))
12/5/11, 2:25 PM
The neutron-rich Mn-decay studies are of particular interest due to the recently observed rapid onset of deformation just below the 'semi-magic' 68Ni (Z=28,N=40), in the Co, Fe and Cr isotopes. Large-scale shell-model calculations are on the verge of explaining quantitatively the observed nuclear structure, but the experimental benchmarks in this region are still limited. The beta-decay study...
Christophe Sotty
(CSNSM Centre de Spectrometrie Nucle aire et de Spectrometrie de)
12/5/11, 2:45 PM
C. Sotty1, G. Georgiev1, G. Simpson2, J.M. Daugas3 , A. Blazhev4, N. Bree5, R. Chevrier3, S. Das Gupsta6, J. Diriken5, L.
Gaffney7, K. Geibel4, K. Hadynska-Klek8, T. Kroell9, B. Lannoo5, P. Morel3, P. Napiorkowski8, J. Pakarinen10, P. Reiter4, M.
Scheck9, M. Seidlitz4, B. Siebeck4, A. Stuchbery12, N. Warr5, F. Wenander10, M. Zielinska8 and REX-ISOLDE and Miniball
1. CSNSM,...
Thomas Procter
(University of Manchester School of Physics)
12/5/11, 3:05 PM
Laser spectroscopy has been performed on isotopes of gallium at ISOLDE using the gas-filled linear Paul trap ISCOOL. Ground state nuclear spin values, magnetic dipole moments, electric quadrupole moments and mean-square charge radii have been extracted for isotope masses in the range A=63 to 74. The experiment was performed to determine the potential development of a proton skin in the...
Martin Breitenfeldt
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
12/5/11, 3:25 PM
Low energy precision experiments for the search of exotic components in the weak interaction are complementary to the high energy experiments at the colliders dedicated to discover new particles. In the case of the WITCH experiment the beta neutrino angular correlation after nuclear beta decay is studied. A deviation from the distribution as predicted by the standard model will reveal the...
Yuri Litvinov
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany,)
12/5/11, 4:15 PM
Stored in heavy-ion storage rings, secondary beams enable a wide range of nuclear physics experiments. Such experiments profit, e.g., from high resolving power and excellent quality of cooled beams, from high revolution frequencies, which allows to “recycle” exotic nuclei, from ultra-high vacuum conditions, which allows to preserve high atomic charge states, from low background conditions, etc....
Yacine Kadi
12/5/11, 4:45 PM
The HIE-ISOLDE project is a major upgrade of the existing ISOLDE radioactive ion-beam facility at CERN. The present energy of 3MeV/u for post-accelerated radionuclides will be boosted to up to 10 MeV/u which will allow experiments to address all exotic nuclides produced at ISOLDE using, e.g., Coulomb excitation and nucleon transfer reactions. A R&D program on the superconducting linear...
Matthew Alexander Fraser
(University of Manchester)
12/5/11, 5:25 PM
The expected beam characteristics will be presented for each stage of the HIE linac upgrade at 5.5 MeV/u, 10 MeV/u and for decelerated beams at 0.45 MeV/u, along with the layout for the HEBT line.
Francesca Zocca
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES))
12/5/11, 5:45 PM
In the framework of the High Intensity and Energy (HIE)-ISOLDE project, a beam instrumentation R&D program is on-going for the superconducting upgrade of the REX linac (HIE-REX). An overview of the main beam diagnostics developments is presented, focusing on the challenging specifications required by the superconducting linac. The project includes intensity and transverse profile monitors to...
Manfred Martin
(Institute of Physical Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University; WCU Hybrid Materials Program, Seoul National University)
12/6/11, 9:00 AM
Ionic and electronic transport in functional oxide materials is of great relevance for applications in the field of energy and data storage, e.g. solid oxide fuel cells (oxygen ion conductivity), oxygen permeation membranes (ambipolar diffusion of oxygen), or data storage materials (electronic and/or ionic conductivity). In this contribution our recent work on the influence of defect...
Haraldur Gunnlaugsson
(Aarhus University)
12/6/11, 9:30 AM
We have implanted 57Co (T½=271 d.) into ZnO single crystals, with the aim of elucidating some controversies in the Mössbauer literature on 57Fe impurities in ZnO. It is shown that some of the data obtained on 57Fe in ZnO has been misinterpreted. The results show that implantation >1E14/cm2 leads to incorporation of ~20% of the probe atoms into distorted substitutional sites, the reminder is...
Ligia Pinto De Almeida Amorim
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
12/6/11, 9:50 AM
The group-III nitrides (GaN, InN and AlN) are semiconductors with a large band gap which can be adjusted by combining the different nitrides into alloys. This provides them with the interesting electrical and optical properties used to create the light emitting diodes LED (from UV to red). For this the nitride semiconductors must be doped positively (p-type) and negatively (n-type), however...
Ulli Koester
(Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin (FR))
12/6/11, 10:10 AM
We report on first results with ISOLDE radioisotopes collected in the frame of the LOI-121.
We were able to demonstrate in vivo PET and SPECT imaging using 152Tb and 155Tb for the first time. Also in-vivo PET imaging with the long-lived in vivo generator 140Nd/140Pr was demonstrated, thus enabling longitudinal in vitro and in vivo PET monitoring of the biodistribution of antibodies over many...
Piet Van Duppen
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE))
12/6/11, 11:00 AM
The "Radioactive EXperiment at ISOLDE" (REX-ISOLDE) was proposed at the end of 1994 to perform a pilot experiment to study neutron-rich isotopes around N=20 and 28 using Coulomb excitation and transfer reactions. A novel concept to accelerate the existing low-energy, singly-charged ISOLDE beams and a new high-efficiency gamma-ray array, called Miniball, dedicated to low-multiplicity...
Fredrik John Carl Wenander
12/6/11, 11:40 AM
REX-ISOLDE has now been operational as post-accelerator of radioactive ion produced at ISOLDE for over ten years. Close to 100 isotopes from 30 different elements have been accelerated and delivered to numerous experiments at varying beam energies. The technical challenges encountered during the installation and commissioning phase of the machine will be briefly reviewed, and the present...
Juergen Eberth
(University of Cologne)
12/6/11, 12:10 PM
With the approval of the REX project at ISOLDE in 1995 an intensive discussion on the design and construction of a dedicated γ-ray array started. Due to the low intensity of the radioactive beams high detection efficiency was needed. On the other hand, as the γ-rays are emitted from nuclei moving with 5-10% of the speed of light a high granularity of the array was mandatory in order to limit...
Achim Schwenk
(EMMI/TU Darmstadt)
12/6/11, 2:00 PM
This talk will discuss three-nucleon forces and their impact on the structure of neutron-rich nuclei, with a focus on the neutron-rich calcium and oxygen isotopes.
Olof Tengblad
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES))
12/6/11, 2:30 PM
The ability to produce beams of unstable nuclei has changed Nuclear Physics experiments. These beams permit fundamental experiments in order to understand the nuclear structure and processes of astrophysical interest far out from the Valley of Stability.
The REX-ISOLDE facility has allowed us to carry out experiments with exotic nuclei, in an energy range never explored up to date,...
Vivek Parkar
(University of Huelva)
12/6/11, 3:00 PM
The talk will focus on the reaction dynamics studies at Pelletron, Mumbai, India with the three weakly bound stable nuclei : 6,7Li and 9Be. The suppression in fusion cross-sections at above Coulomb barrier energies, the inclusive and exclusive breakup studies and the dipole polarizability studies for 7Li and 9Be will be highlighted.
Konstanze Boretzky
12/6/11, 3:20 PM
In this talk I will discuss briefly the experimental concept of the R3B experiment and concentrate on some of its recent results concerning two types of reactions, namely quasi-free scattering and electromagnetic excitation.
Quasi-free scattering aims at a detailed study of the single-particle structure of nuclei, while electromagnetic excitation is being used to study the collective...
Andrei Andreyev
(University of the West of Scotland (UWS))
12/6/11, 4:20 PM
Beta-delayed (EC/b+, b-) fission is a rare nuclear decay process in which the beta-decaying parent nuclide populates excited states in its daughter, which may then fission.
The talk will review the results of two ISOLDE experiments performed by our collaboration* in 2011, in which beta-delayed fission of lightest Tl, At and Fr isotopes were investigated. In particular, beta-delayed...
Thomas Elias Cocolios
12/6/11, 4:50 PM
The competition between spherical and deformed nuclear shapes at low energy gives rise to shape coexistence in the region of the neutron-deficient lead isotopes with Z~82 and N~104 [1]. In order to determine to which extend the ground-state of those isotopes is affected by this phenomenon, a large campaign of investigation of changes in the mean-square charge radii is on-going at ISOLDE. Using...
Liam Gaffney
(University of Liverpool (GB))
12/6/11, 5:10 PM
The notion that nuclei can assume reflection asymmetric shapes, arising from the octupole degree of freedom, has been supported by a considerable amount of theoretical and experimental evidence for some time. The strongest octupole correlations occur near the proton numbers Z=34, 56 and 88 and the neutron numbers N=34, 56, 88 and 134 where, for the heaviest nuclei, an octupole deformation can...
Kieran Flanagan
(University of Manchester (GB))
12/6/11, 5:30 PM
The installation of the new Collinear Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experimental beam line and lasers are now nearing completion. Commissioning tests that started towards the end of 2010 have continued throughout 2011 with beams from both ISOLDE and the newly installed off-line ion source. A new detection chamber that incorporates both ion and alpha detectors has been constructed,...
Kara Lynch
(University of Manchester (GB))
12/6/11, 5:50 PM
The new Collinear Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment at ISOLDE will use laser radiation to stepwise excite and ionize an atomic beam for the purpose of ultra-sensitive detection of rare isotopes, and hyperfine structure measurements. The technique also offers the ability to purify an ion beam that is heavily contaminated with radioactive isobars, including the ground state of...
Jeffrey Scott Hangst
(Aarhus University (DK))
12/6/11, 6:05 PM
Antihydrogen, the bound state of an antiproton and a positron, can be used as a test-bed of fundamental symmetries. In particular, the CPT Theorem requires that hydrogen and antihydrogen have the same spectrum. The current experimental precision of measurements of hydrogen transition frequencies approaches 1 part in 10^15. Similarly precise antihydrogen spectroscopy would constitute a unique,...
Bertram Blank
(CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan)
12/7/11, 9:00 AM
For high-precision gamma-ray measurements (e.g. 0+ - 0+ beta decay)we are about to calibrate a HPGe detector in efficiency. The aim is to obtain an efficiency curve with an uncertainty at the 0.1% level over a range of energy from 100 keV to 6 MeV. Standard source measurement, online source measurement taken at ISOLDE and several scans of the detector are combined to adjust the geometrical...
Johan Nyberg
(Uppsala University)
12/7/11, 9:20 AM
The Neutron Wall is a compact 1π neutron detector array consisting of 50 liquid scintillator detectors. The array has been used together with the EUROBALL gamma-ray spectrometer at INFN-LNL in Italy and at IReS in France. Presently it is located at GANIL where it is combined with EXOGAM in experiments with both stable and radioactive ion beams. Recent results obtained with the setup at GANIL...
Rafael Ferrer-Garcia
12/7/11, 9:40 AM
The Leuven Isotope Separator Online (LISOL) facility, located at the Cyclotron Research Center (CRC), Louvain-
la-Neuve, is a successful producer of purified rare ion beams using resonant laser ionization of reaction products
thermalized in a buffer-gas cell. After almost two decades of operation high purity radioactive ion beams of more
than 15 different elements have been obtained...
Hans Toshihide Tornqvist
12/7/11, 10:00 AM
Spin polarized nuclei are of great interest for many applications, for example in nuclear structure, solid state and biological physics. Recently, a project was started at ISOLDE to evaluate the tilted-foils technique applied to post accelerated beams at REX-ISOLDE. Thin tilted foils are introduced into the beam line which induces nuclear spin polarization and the degree of attained...
Pierre Delahaye
(Grand Accelerateur National d'Ions Lourds (FR))
12/7/11, 10:40 AM
Since 2001, SPIRAL at GANIL has been delivering radioactive ion beams of gaseous elements of unique intensity and purity for physics experiments.
Recently, a project was formed to upgrade SPIRAL for making use of so far unexploited capabilities for radioactive ion beam production. Neutron deficient beams from condensable elements should soon become available with unequalled intensities for a...
Alexander Gottberg
(Universite de Bordeaux I (FR))
12/7/11, 11:10 AM
ISOLDE is known for the production of very exotic radioactive ion beams far from stability. During the past online period a number of isotopes could be added to that list and are now available for experiments.
Systematic investigations of isotope yields and other release properties promote the understanding of the complex processes of isotope production and extraction and help evaluating...
Joao Pedro Ramos
(University of Aveiro)
12/7/11, 11:25 AM
Calcium oxide powder targets have been successfully used at ISOLDE-CERN to produced neutron deficient exotic argon isotopes and carbon isotopes, released as CO and CO2 molecules. Such targets outperform other related targets used to produce the same beams, such as MgO sintered powder or TiOx fibers. However, either some CaO target units displayed slow release rates (or low absolute yields)...
Sebastian Rothe
(Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz (DE))
12/7/11, 11:40 AM
At ISOLDE RILIS isotopes are resonantly ionized by high pulse repetition rate wavelength-tunable lasers. In recent years the performance of RILIS was substantially improved due to upgrade stages of the laser setup. The dye laser installation has been completely renewed including the replacement of copper vapor pump lasers by solid state Nd:YAG lasers. As part of the RILIS upgrade program, a...
Daniel Fink
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg, Germany; CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
12/7/11, 12:00 PM
Highest ionization efficiency combined with effective isotope selectivity is of utmost importance for most on-line experiments on exotic, short-lived radionuclides, in particular for those with the lowest production rates. At ISOLDE, the ionization technique that most closely meets these requirements is the Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS), where the atoms of a chosen element are...
Joachim Vollaire
12/7/11, 12:20 PM
Several processes and activities carried out in the ISOLDE facility for the production and use of Radioactive Ion Beams present radiological risks. For this reason, the Radiation Protection (RP) Group is involved in the daily operation of the facility to ensure that appropriate mitigation measures are implemented and that the relevant Radiation Protection rules and best practices are followed....
Monika Stachura
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
12/7/11, 1:40 PM
Due to the complexity of systems in living matter nuclear techniques are not commonly used in biology and biochemistry. By approaching from simple inorganic complexes we aim to elucidate the fundamental chemistry of heavy metal ion integrations with proteins. This furthermore involves studies on de novo designed peptides, naturally occurring proteins, plants and recently also bacteria.
Martin Henry
(School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland)
12/7/11, 2:00 PM
We report the results of photoluminescence studies of zinc oxide implanted with radioactive 117Ag which decays through Cd and In on to stable Sn. Our results show that two of the so-called I-lines, I9 and I2, both decay away in accordance with the decay of radioactive 117In. This confirms an earlier result that I9 is due to excitons bound to In donors and shows conclusively for the first time...
Daniel Silva
(Universidade do Porto)
12/7/11, 2:20 PM
We have studied the lattice location of the transition metals 61Co (1.6 h) and 65Ni (2.5 h) in Si single crystals of various doping types by means of on-line Emission Channeling using Short-Lived Isotopes (IS453 EC-SLI). 65Ni was directly obtained by means of Ni RILIS ionization, while for the 61Co experiments we implanted the short-lived precursor isotope 61Mn(4.6 s) which decays via 61Fe (6...
João Nuno Gonçalves
(Universidade de Aveiro)
12/7/11, 2:40 PM
The hyperfine interaction between the quadrupole moment of atomic nuclei and the electric field gradient (EFG) at the corresponding site provides information related to the near electronic charge distribution. Nuclear techniques such as Perturbed Angular Correlation (PAC) have been used to measure EFGs under temperature or electric field variations, for example, relating them to ferroelectric...
Gordon Ball
12/7/11, 3:30 PM
The availability of a wide variety of intense beams of exotic nuclei from the next generation of radioactive ion beam facilities such as the Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC) facility at TRIUMF provides an unprecedented opportunity to address key questions of current interest in nuclear astrophysics, nuclear structure physics, fundamental symmetries and molecular and material science. ...
Christopher Bauer
(Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
12/7/11, 4:00 PM
A radioactive beam of 140Nd was impinging on a 1.40 mg/cm2 48Ti as well as a 1.55 mg/cm2 64Zn target. Gamma rays were detected by the MINIBALL array and a DSSD was used for particle identification. The transition strength of the first 2+ to the 0+ ground state in unstable, neutron-deficient 140Nd was measured to be 30(5) W.u. (preliminary). The beam was contaminated by 140Sm, this allows to...
Deyan for the COLLAPS collaboration Yordanov
12/7/11, 4:20 PM
We report on the first hyperfine-structure study of cadmium by high-resolution laser spectroscopy. The goal is to determine nuclear spins, electromagnetic moments and root mean square (rms) charge radii of ground and isomeric states along the chain, ultimately reaching the neutron 50 and 82 shell closures.
In the first part of the program we studied the intense beams of 106-124,126Cd by...
Sabine Bönig
(Technische Universität Darmstadt (DE))
12/7/11, 4:40 PM
128Cd is only two proton and two neutron holes away from the doubly magic nucleus 132Sn. The proximity to this r-process waiting-point nucleus underlines its importance for the understanding of nucleosynthesis. So far, contradicting theoretical predictions for the B(E2,0+->2+) value of 128Cd exist. While shell model calculations conclude an almost spherical shape of 128Cd, beyond mean field...
Tania de Melo Mendonca
(IFIMUP and IN, University of Porto, Portugal)
A molten NaF-ZrF4 salt target is produced and tested this year at ISOLDE aiming at collecting data in view of the production of the required rates of 18Ne for the beta beams project[1,2]. The details related to the design of units suited for molten salt target operation are introduced. The release properties of NaF-ZrF4 associated to a VADIS ion-source are presented. The production, release...