7–9 May 2012
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

FEWZ: A Fully Exclusive Numerical Code for QCD and EW Correction to Drell-Yan Process

8 May 2012, 14:15
105 (Lawrence)




Ye Li (Northwestern University)


The QED correction
to hadron collider production of lepton pairs through the Drell-Yan
process at next-to-leading order (NLO) is included in the new version
of the simulation code FEWZ (Fully Exclusive W and Z Production).
We calculate the contributions of the initial/final-state photon radiation
(ISR/FSR) as well as the virtual photon+weak correction analytically,
and the program is fully differential in the phase space of leptons and
additional photonic radiation. It eliminates the need to unfold the FSR
effect when comparing experimental data with the theoretical prediction
given by the original FEWZ, which only includes the QCD corrections.
We demonstrate the code by discussing the effects of photon recombination
and different lepton masses. We also study the combined QCD
and EW correction to lepton pair production and compare results with
experimental data.


Ye Li (Northwestern University)


Frank Petriello (Northwestern University)

Presentation materials