CERN Computing Colloquium

Evolving Commercial Instrumentation to Meet Needs of Scientific Research

by Dr James Truchard (National Instruments president and CEO)

Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (30/7-018) (CERN)

Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (30/7-018)




The scale and complexity of research is growing at enormous rates requiring the instrumentation technologies to keep up with the changing needs. The current economic climate has put even more focus on keeping projects under budget and on time while using the latest technology to meet the needs of measurement, diagnostic, and control systems. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems take advantage of innovations in the computer industry and the hundreds of millions of dollars devoted to R&D – domain experts can now benefit from FPGAs as wells as multicore CPUs and GPUs without being specialists on these technologies. New designs that have the capability to cope with the constraints of operability, scalability, flexibility and maintainability while minimizing cost, power consumption and space requirements will also be discussed. Through collaborations between industry and research facilities, engineers can customize these technologies while keeping costs low to achieve faster computing and loop rates. With every project lasting 15 to 20 years, life-cycle management is yet another key benefit of industry‐research collaborations.


Dr. James Truchard, National Instruments president and CEO, co-founded the company in 1976 while working at The University of Texas at Austin. Under Truchard's leadership, National Instruments has pioneered the development of virtual instrumentation software and hardware that has revolutionized the way engineers design and develop measurement and automation applications.
In 2007, Dr. Truchard was elected to membership in the National Academy of Engineering, what is widely considered to be the highest honor given in the engineering profession. Truchard holds a doctorate in electrical engineering, as well as a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in physics, all from The University of Texas at Austin.


Organised by

Dr. Jones, Bob