Proceedings will be published with AIP. Please use the latex style files for 8.5 x 11 inch, double-column format from here.
Please download the latex macros provided on that web-page. For your manuscript, please activate the option "numberedheadings" for the documentclass. Note that the sample file "template-8d.tex" is prepared for "standard" latex with (encapsulated) postscript files as input for figures. If you find it more convenient to use pdflatex, you will have to replace the file "" by a file in an appropriate format in the sample provided by AIP.
The maximum number of pages for the manuscripts are:
Specialized talks (15+5 min) and posters: 5 pages
Overview talks (20+5 min): 6 pages
Iinvited talks: 7 pages
You will also need to supply the Transfer of Copyright Agreement provided on the same web-page. Please fill it in and sign it (leave "manuscript number" empty) and mail a scan to .
The editing process will be organized through the indico system of the ARENA 2012 web page. Please submit your manuscript in pdf format.
Click here for instructions on how to upload your paper.
Deadline for submission of the proceedings is October14 28, 2012.
Please download the latex macros provided on that web-page. For your manuscript, please activate the option "numberedheadings" for the documentclass. Note that the sample file "template-8d.tex" is prepared for "standard" latex with (encapsulated) postscript files as input for figures. If you find it more convenient to use pdflatex, you will have to replace the file "" by a file in an appropriate format in the sample provided by AIP.
The maximum number of pages for the manuscripts are:
Specialized talks (15+5 min) and posters: 5 pages
Overview talks (20+5 min): 6 pages
Iinvited talks: 7 pages
You will also need to supply the Transfer of Copyright Agreement provided on the same web-page. Please fill it in and sign it (leave "manuscript number" empty) and mail a scan to .
The editing process will be organized through the indico system of the ARENA 2012 web page. Please submit your manuscript in pdf format.
Click here for instructions on how to upload your paper.
Deadline for submission of the proceedings is October
Further comments/instructions (November 5, 2012)
1) Latex style file:
For your final manuscript, please use options "final" and "numberedheadings" with document class aipproc:
2) References to "these proceedings":
If you reference other papers in the proceedings of the ARENA2012, please do so as follows (feel free to abbreviate "Proceedings of the" by "Proc." or something similar if this improves the typesetting or the use of space, but please observe the principal layout):
title = {Title of the Talk},
author= {C. D. Smith and E. F. Jones},
booktitle ={Proceedings of the ARENA 2012 workshop (Erlangen, Germany)},
series ={AIP Conference Proceedings},
year = {to be published},
C.~D. Smith, and E.~F. Jones, enquote{Title of the Talk,} in emph{Proceedings
of the ARENA 2012 workshop (Erlangen, Germany)}, AIP Conference Proceedings,
to be published.
3) Color plots:
The proceedings will be printed in b/w. Please make sure that your figures are readable in b/w. If you wish to have some figures printed in color, we will have to ask you to be prepared to cover the additional costs. Additional costs for color printing are US$1 per color page and copy with 80 copies being foreseen to be printed. If this applies to you, please send an e-mail to , indicating which pages of your manuscript should be printed in color. Depending on how many color pages there will be in total in the end, we may be able to cover the extra costs partially or completely, but this can be decided only once all manuscripts for the proceedings have been assembled.
4) Submission of your proceedings to arxiv
Please be aware that according to the contract with AIP, you ARE allowed to put your proceedings on a pre-print server such as arxiv but you must use a different style file than the one provided by AIP for the proceedings (see