3–5 Sept 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Finite Element Methods for the Thermo-mechanical analysis of the Phase I Collimators

5 Sept 2007, 14:00
40-S2-D01 (CERN)



Geneva, Switzerland
FE codes for thermo-mechanical analysis for Phase I collimation Session 5: Codes and simulations results


Alessandro Bertarelli (CERN)


The functional requirements of the LHC Collimators impose, for the start-up of the machine and the initial luminosity runs (Phase 1), a collimation system with a very high dimensional stability in nominal operating conditions, under considerable thermal loads and, at the same time, maximum robustness in case of accidental beam impacts. In order to meet these requirements and to optimize the complex mechanical design, the extensive use of in-depth numerical analyses was essential. Given the number and the detail of the elements which had to be taken into account in the collimator model, the recourse to a general-use, comprehensive, multiphysics finite-element code was necessary: ANSYS Multiphysics proved very effective in dealing with the coupled thermal/structural problems which were typically encountered and the disparate nature of used materials. The methods used and the approaches developed to correctly apply the thermal loads and to study coupled-field problems in the steady-state and transient domains, using both fully elastic and elastic-plastic material properties will be presented. Co-authors: DALLOCCHIO Alessandro (CERN)



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