3–5 Sept 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dynamic structural analysis of absorbers with spectral-element code ELSE

5 Sept 2007, 15:55
40-S2-D01 (CERN)



Geneva, Switzerland
Dynamic structural analysis of absorbers with spectral-element code ELSE Session 5: Codes and simulations results


Luca Massidda (CRS4)


The dynamic structural behavior of beam diluter elements TCDS (LHC) and TPSG (SPS), protecting the extraction septum magnets in the event of an asynchronous firing of the extraction kickers, has been studied. The deposited energy densities, estimated by the high-energy particle transport code FLUKA, were converted to internal heat generation rates according to the time dependence of the extracted beam. The transient response to this thermal load was obtained by solving the power deposition and subsequent structural deformation by using the spectral-element code ELSE. This presentation gives a short overview of the used method and descibes the spectral-element code ELSE. Furthermore we presents the results of the TCDS and TPSG analysis and finally conclude with some thoughts on the materials and numerical simulations. Co-authors: KADI Yacin (CERN), ROCCA Roberto (CERN), WETERINGS Wim (CERN)



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