Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2nd Symposium on Special Topics in Physics

from Friday 20 January 2012 (08:30) to Saturday 21 January 2012 (14:00)
University of Texas at Arlington (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
20 Jan 2012
21 Jan 2012
08:30 --- Registration, coffee and breakfast ---
Session 1 -Prof. Jae Yu (University of Texas at Arlington (US)) (until 10:30) (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
09:00 Welcome and logistics - Prof. Jae Yu (University of Texas at Arlington (US))   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
09:10 Welcome Message from UTA Associate VP for Research and Dean of College of Science - Prof. Pamela Jansma (UT Arlington) Prof. Krishnan Rajeshwar (University of Texas at Arlington)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
09:30 Introduction to AKPA and KSEA - Eun Suk Seo (University of Maryland (US))   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
10:00 Research Activities of UTA Physics Department - Prof. Alexander Weiss (UT Arlington)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 2 - Eun Suk Seo (University of Maryland (US)) (until 12:30) (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
11:00 Introduction to Institute for Basic Science and Rare Isotope Science Project - Prof. Sun Kee Kim (Seoul National University)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
11:45 Frontiers of Nuclear Theories for the Physics with Rare Isotope Accelerators - Prof. Cheung Ryong Ji (North Carolina State University)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
08:45 --- Coffee and Breakfast ---
Session 5 - The Wrap-up -Prof. Jae Yu (University of Texas at Arlington (US)) (until 11:45) (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
09:30 Gas Electron Multiplier Detectors and its Application in High Energy Physics - Seongtae Park (University of Texas at Arlington)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
10:00 Spin liquid and spin glass states in frustrated magnets - Prof. Seunghun Lee (University of Virginia)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
10:30 Hyperspectral Imaging Measurement of Nanomaterials as a High-Resolution Single-molecule Sensor - Dr Kyuwan Lee (Bio-engineering Department, U. of California, Berkley)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
11:00 Discussions: Toward strong collaboration with Korea and KoRIA   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
11:30 Wrap-up and farewell - Prof. Jae Yu (University of Texas at Arlington (US))   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
11:45 --- Refreshment and Brunch ---
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
13:00 Physics and Buddhism (This lecture is in Korean!) - Prof. Changhie Hahn (Changwon National University)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
Session 3 -Prof. Sunkee Kim (Seoul National University/Korea Basic Science Institute) (until 15:30) (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
14:00 Recent Updates and Current Issues in Cosmic Ray Physics - Eun Suk Seo (University of Maryland (US))   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
14:30 X-Ray Astronomy: A Brief Introduction - Prof. Sangwook Park (University of Texas at Arlington)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
15:00 Recent Updates on Higgs Searches in ATLAS - Prof. Jae Yu (University of Texas at Arlington (US))   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 4 -Prof. Sangwook Park (University of Texas at Arlington) (until 18:00) (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
16:00 Recent Updates on Higgs Searches in CMS - Sung Won Lee (Texas Tech University (US))   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
16:30 Performance of The ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker - Taeksu Shin (Hampton University (US))   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
17:00 Time-of-Flight PET Detector based on Silicon Photomultipliers and its Challenges - Dr Chang Lyong Kim (GE Health Sciences)   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
17:30 Current Status and future plans of Fermilab Facility and Its role on KoRIA - Young-Kee Kim   (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
Break (until 18:30) (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)
18:30 --- Symposium Dinner ---
UTA Planetarium Show - The Astronaut (until 14:00) (CPB303 - Physics Executive Conference Room)