4–9 Jun 2012
Life Sciences Centre, UBC
Canada/Pacific timezone
<strong><font color="#cc0000">Abstract submission has closed</font></strong>

Recent results from BESIII

Not scheduled
Life Sciences Centre, UBC

Life Sciences Centre, UBC

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada
Parallel Talk Heavy Flavour Physics


Haiping Peng (Univ. of Science & Tech. of China (CN))


With the world largest J/$\psi$, $\psi^{\prime}$ and $\psi^{\prime\prime}$ data samples collected with BESIII detector at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider(BEPCIII), a series charmonium meson spectroscopy and charmonium decay dynamics have been studies. In this talk, the study of spectroscopy will be introduced, and the new measured parameters of the spin-singlet charmonium states $\eta_{c}$, $\eta^{\prime}_{c}$ and $h_{c}$ will be covered too.

<strong>Collaboration Name</strong><br /><font color="#000099">Please enter the name of<br />the collaboration or group<br />using the acronym, as in:<br /><font color="#ff0000">ABC Collaboration</font>

BESIII Collaboration

<strong>E-mail Address</strong> penghp@ustc.edu.cn

Primary author

Haiping Peng (Univ. of Science & Tech. of China (CN))

Presentation materials

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