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- Betty Abelev (LLNL)
- Cosme Adrover Pacheco (CPPM - Universite d'Aix - Marseille II (FR))
- Pankaj Agrawal (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India)
- Maria Aldaya Martin (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Warren Andrews (Univ. of California San Diego (US))
- Pietro Antonioli (Sezione di Bologna (INFN))
- Fatemeh Arbabifar (Semnan university)
- Ivan Asin Cruz (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Shahin Atashabar Tehrani (IPM)
- Alessandro Mario Ballestrero (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay (Postdoctoral Researcher)
- Vikas Bansal (University of Victoria (CA))
- William James Barter (High Energy Physics Group - Cavendish Laboratory - University of Cambridge)
federica bazzocchi
- Author in Asymptotically safe electroweak interactions
- Author in Quark contact interactions at the LHC
- Thomas Becher (University of Bern)
- Kathrin Becker (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
- SUSIE Bedikian (Yale University (US))
- Wolf Behrenhoff (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Riccardo Bellan (Univ. of California Santa Barbara (US))
- Sean Benson (University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Livio Bianchi (Universita degli Studi di Torino)
- Lorenzo Bianchini (Ecole Polytechnique (FR))
Silvia Borghi
(University of Glasgow (GB))
- Author in Charm mixing and CPV at LHCb
- Author in The LHCb upgrade
Oleg Brandt
(Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
- Author in Recent top physics results from D0
- Diogo Buarque Franzosi (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Altan Cakir (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Miriam Calvo Gomez
(University of Barcelona (ES))
- Author in Flavour tagging at LHCb
- Roberto Castello (Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE))
- Ludivine Ceard (Universite Catholique de Louvain (BE))
Maria Cepeda Hermida
(University of Wisconsin (US))
- Author in W and Z physics at the LHC
- Vincenzo Chiochia (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))
- Seth Cooper (School of Physics and Astronomy)
Gennaro Corcella
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN)
- Co-author in Z' production at LHC in an extended MSSM
- Francesco Costanza (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Roberto Covarelli (University of Rochester (US))
- Mihai Cuciuc (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Enginee)
- Raffaello D'Alessandro (Universita di Firenze and INFN-Firenze)
- Noel Dawe (SFU Simon Fraser University (CA))
Celine Degrande
- Author in New physics signals in top physics
umberto de sanctis
- Author in Quark contact interactions at the LHC
- Tyler Mc Millan Dorland (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Dominik Duda (Fachbereich C / Physik)
marco fabbrichesi
- Author in Asymptotically safe electroweak interactions
- Author in Quark contact interactions at the LHC
- Andrea Ferretto Parodi (Sezione di Genova)
- Cristina Ferro (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
Fabrizio Ferro
(INFN - Genova)
- Author in TOTEM status and results
- Marianna Fontana (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
Evan Klose Friis
(University of Wisconsin (US))
- Author in Search for non-SM Higgs at CMS
Thomas Gajdosik
(Vilnius University (LT))
- Co-author in Parameters of the neutrino sector in tau decays
Jamison Galloway
(Rome La Sapienza)
- Author in *A* Higgs or *The* Higgs?
Simonetta Gentile
(UNiversita di Roma, La Sapienza,INFN)
- Author in Z' production at LHC in an extended MSSM
Fabiola Gianotti
- Author in ATLAS diboson measurements
- Author in ATLAS measurements of photons, jets and subjets
- Author in B-tagging performance at ATLAS
- Author in Electron And Photon Performance Measurements With The ATLAS Detector
- Author in Heavy flavor production at ATLAS
- Author in Particle and jet production in heavy-ion collisions with the ATLAS
- Author in Results on Ultra-Peripheral Collisions of Lead Ions with ATLAS at LHC
- Author in Top quark production at ATLAS
- Author in Top quark properties at ATLAS
- Co-author in Combining b-tagging calibrations in ATLAS
- Jennifer Lynn Godfrey (SFU Simon Fraser University (CA))
- Martin Goerner (Hamburg University (DE))
- Diego Gomez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México)
- Martijn Gosselink (UHH - Institute for Experimental Physics)
Giacomo Graziani
(Universita e INFN (IT))
- Author in Onia production at LHCb
Christophe Grojean
- Author in Fake abstract to test notification
- John William Harris (Yale University (US))
- Christopher Hearty (University of British Columbia)
Bob Hirosky
(University of Virginia)
- Author in Higgs from Tevatron
Yonit Hochberg
(Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Author in Charming new physics
- Dean Horton (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Daniel Johnson (University of Oxford (GB))
Clara Jorda Lope
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
- Author in Physics objects from CMS: muons
- Christian Andreas Jung (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
Andrius Juodagalvis
(Vilnius University (LT))
- Co-author in Parameters of the neutrino sector in tau decays
- Darius Jurciukonis (Vilnius University (LT))
- Enrique Kajomovitz Must (Israel Institute of Technology (IL))
- Artur Kalinowski (University of Warsaw (PL))
Durmus Karabacak
(Oklahoma State University)
- Co-author in Lepto-quark and di-quark at the LHC
- Alinaghi Khorramian (Unknown)
- Tae Jeong Kim (Physics Department)
- Dong Jo Kim (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
- Samuel King (University of British Columbia (CA))
Michael Kirby
(Northwestern University)
- Author in CDF Higgs searches
- Anna Katharina Kopp (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
- Dirk Kruecker (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)-Unknown-Unknown)
Paul Kuijer
- Author in Status and plans of ALICE
- Joern Lange (Hamburg University)
- Richard Lebed (A)
Tianjun Li
(ITP, Beijing)
- Co-author in Lepto-quark and di-quark at the LHC
Jonas Lindert
(Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich)
- Author in Direct stau production at the LHC
- Artem LIPATOV (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
Heather Logan
(Carleton U.)
- Author in Higgs and alternatives - theory
- Michael Luk
- Gennady LYKASOV (JINR, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia)
- Michael Maes (Inter-University Institute for High Energies (BE))
- Ezio Maina (Universita' of Torino)
- Yurii Maravin (Kansas State University (US))
- Christopher Marino (University of Victoria)
Adam Martin
- Author in Non-standard signals of new physics
Takashi Matsushita
(Imperial College)
- Author in Onia production at ATLAS
- Isabell Melzer-Pellmann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
- Arnd Meyer (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
- Andreas Meyer (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Zeke Murdock
(Marymount College)
- Co-author in Lepto-quark and di-quark at the LHC
Satyanarayan Nandi
(Oklahoma State University)
- Author in Lepto-quark and di-quark at the LHC
- Norbert Neumeister (Purdue University)
- Yvonne Chiara Pachmayer (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
Haiping Peng
(Univ. of Science & Tech. of China (CN))
- Author in Recent results from BESIII
- roberto percacci (SISSA)
- Hugo Denis Antonio Pereira Da Costa (Service de Physique Nucleaire)
Maxim Perelstein
- Author in A Regge Gluon from Warped String Theory
- Estel Perez Codina (TRIUMF (CA))
- Michele Petteni (SFU Simon Fraser University (CA))
- Niklas Andreas Pietsch (UHH - Institute for Experimental Physics)
- Andrey Pikelner (JINR, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia)
- Jim Pivarski (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Marc-Andre Pleier
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Author in Diboson physics at the LHC
Santosh Rai
(Oklahoma State University)
- Co-author in Lepto-quark and di-quark at the LHC
- Matthew Ryan Relich (Department of Physics-University of California Irvine)
- Reyhaneh Rezvani (Department of Physics)
- James Robinson (University College London (UK))
- Benoit Roland (Universiteit Antwerpen)
- Elias Ron Alvarez (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Chiara Ilaria Rovelli
- Author in Higgs searches in CMS
- Paolo Rumerio (University of Alabama (US))
Tomas Sabonis
(Vilnius University (LT))
- Co-author in Parameters of the neutrino sector in tau decays
- Yuichi Sasaki (University of Tokyo (JP))
- Hannes Helmut Schettler (UHH - Institute for Experimental Physics)
- Peter Schleper (Hamburg University (DE))
- Doug Schouten (TRIUMF (CA))
- Nausheen Shah
- Ambresh Shivaji (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India)
Scott Snyder
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Author in Higgs in ATLAS
Rocky So
(University of British Columbia)
- Author in Search for a light Higgs Boson at Babar
Abi Soffer
(Tel Aviv University (IL))
- Author in Recent BaBar limits on new physics
- maryam soleymaninia (Semnan university)
- William Robert Spearman (Harvard University (US))
Andrew Spray
- Author in A Regge Gluon from Warped String Theory
Frank Steffen
(Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich)
- Author in Direct stau production at the LHC
- Matthias Stein (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Oliver Stelzer-Chilton
- Author in W mass measurement from CDF
- Benjamin Stieger (ETH Zurich)
Russell TerBeek
(Arizona State University)
- Co-author in Searching for N=3 Lee-Wick Gauge Bosons at the LHC
Alberto Tonero
- Author in Asymptotically safe electroweak interactions
- Author in Quark contact interactions at the LHC
Maike Trenkel
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Author in Direct stau production at the LHC
- Michael Robert Trott (CERN)
- luca vecchi (LANL)
- Irene Vichou (for the Tile Speakers Committee)
- Nicholas Wardle (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
- Gordon Watts (University of Washington (US))
Dennis Patrick Wendland
(Institut fuer Physik)
- Author in 4th generation searches at ATLAS
Stephen Wolbers
- Author in QCD and B physics at the Tevatron
- Guy Wormser (LAL Orsay)
- Daniele Zanzi (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)
- Korinna Christine Zapp (Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University)
Dieter Zeppenfeld
(Physics, U. Wisconsin)
- Author in Electroweak theory
- Nikolai ZOTOV (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
José Francisco Zurita
(University of Zurich)
- Author in SUSY confronts LHC data