4–9 Jun 2012
Life Sciences Centre, UBC
Canada/Pacific timezone
<strong><font color="#cc0000">Abstract submission has closed</font></strong>

Direct stau production at the LHC

Not scheduled
Life Sciences Centre, UBC

Life Sciences Centre, UBC

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada


Dr Frank Steffen (Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich)


We provide theoretical predictions for the direct production of supersymmetric scalar taus at the LHC, taking into account left-right mixing of the stau eigenstates. We find that b-quark annihilation and gluon fusion can enhance the cross sections by more than one order of magnitude with respect to the Drell-Yan contributions. For scenarios with long-lived staus, new possible strategies are outlined to determine the mass and width of the heavy CP-even Higgs boson $H^0$. The presentation will be based in part on the following publication: J.M.Lindert, F.D.Steffen, M.K.Trenkel, JHEP1108, 151 (2011) [arXiv:1106.4005]

<strong>Funding Source</strong>

Max Planck Society

<strong>Collaboration Name</strong><br /><font color="#000099">Please enter the name of<br />the collaboration or group<br />using the acronym, as in:<br /><font color="#ff0000">ABC Collaboration</font>

MPP Theory Group

<strong>E-mail Address</strong> steffen@mpp.mpg.de

Primary authors

Dr Frank Steffen (Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich) Mr Jonas Lindert (Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich) Dr Maike Trenkel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Presentation materials

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