4–9 Jun 2012
Life Sciences Centre, UBC
Canada/Pacific timezone
<strong><font color="#cc0000">Abstract submission has closed</font></strong>

Spin dependant parton distributions from DIS and SIDIS data from LHC and their effects on determining fragmentation functions

Not scheduled
Life Sciences Centre, UBC

Life Sciences Centre, UBC

University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Canada
Parallel Talk Standard Model & Beyond


Fatemeh Arbabifar (Semnan university)


The results of our new QCD analysis of helicity parton distributions of the nucleon up to NLO order will be presented. Doing a QCD fit on newest inclusive and semi-inclusive polarized deep inelastic scattering data from very recent experiments at LHC, DESY and SLAC, we are able to extract polarized structure function of nucleons by choosing new polarized parton distributions (PDFs) at input scale $Q_0^2$. Particulary, we have calculated parton distributions in SU(2) and SU(3) symmetry breaking scenario and the results are in good agreement with the experimental data and the most precise theoretical models obtained by DSSV09 and LSS10. We also study the effects of PPDFs on extracting fragmentation functions (FFs) using SIDIS data and compare the results with other very precise models.

<strong>Funding Source</strong>

No source, I need funds from the organizers if it is possible please.

<strong>E-mail Address</strong> farbabifar@gmail.com

Primary author

Fatemeh Arbabifar (Semnan university)


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.