1B: LHC Experiments I
- Dugan O'Neil (Simon Fraser University)
Paul Kuijer
6/4/12, 11:30 AM
Heavy Ion Physics
Plenary Talk
This talk will focus on the recent results obtained with the ALICE experiment during the heavy ion and pp runs. In comparing the data obtained in pp collisions with the Pb-Pb data we'll discuss the modification of high p_T particles traversing the hot and dense medium.
We will present data on the bulk properties of the medium created in such collisions, discuss flow observables, particle...
Fabrizio Ferro
(INFN - Genova)
6/4/12, 11:55 AM
Standard Model & Beyond
Plenary Talk
The TOTEM experiment at the LHC has measured the total proton-proton cross-section and the differential elastic cross-section at the energy of $\sqrt{s} = 7$ TeV. The data were collected with the two inelastic telescopes and the Roman Pot detectors during several dedicated runs, partly with a special high-$\beta^*$ beam optics.
The elastic scattering measurements cover a range of squared...
David Strom
(University of Oregon (US))
6/4/12, 12:15 PM
Standard Model & Beyond
Plenary Talk