2B: Theory of SM and QCD, Diffractive Physics
- Michel Vetterli (Simon Fraser University)
Eugenio Scapparone
6/5/12, 10:55 AM
Standard Model & Beyond
Plenary Talk
After a short introduction on the importance of the soft and of the diffractive studies in the understanding of minimum bias events, the main results obtained at LHC are discussed. The overview includes identified particle and inclusive measurements, both shedding light on the soft process mechanism.
A review of the most recent diffraction results is presented, showing the different...
Christian Bauer
(UC Berkeley)
6/5/12, 11:25 AM
Heavy Flavour Physics
Plenary Talk
Marco Adinolfi
(University of Bristol (GB))
6/5/12, 11:55 AM
Heavy Flavour Physics
Plenary Talk