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7–12 Sept 2014
University of Surrey
GB timezone
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Microdosimetric response of proportional counters filled with different tissue-equivalent gases.

10 Sept 2014, 14:00
1h 40m
AP3&4 (University of Surrey)


University of Surrey

Guildford, UK
Poster Presentation Applications in Life Sciences, Biology and Medicine Session 10: Posters 1 (Particle Physics, Pixel Detectors and Lifesciences)


Dr Tadeusz Kowalski (AGH, University of Science and Technology, Fac. of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, Poland)


In pulse mode operation each detector at the output gives pulse hight spectra. These pulse hight spectra from tissue-equivalent proportional counters are recalculated to microdosimetric quantity like y*f(y), y*d(y) or y*h60(y) or others, for expressing the radiation quality. The pulse – hight spectra from different in geometry, proportional counters have been measured for three different TEG mixtures (C3H8/CO2/N2, CH4/CO2/N2 and Ne/C2H4/C2H6/N2). The measurements have been made for the same counters, in the same geometry and radiation fields, only mixtures were different. All obtained spectra were normalised to permit their direct comparison. The mixtures pressures were varied in the range from 12 hPa to 300 hPa to have simulated tissue target diameter of the order of a few μm, from 0,4 μm to 8 μm.. It was found out that the microdosimetric distributions are similar but some differences are observed up to 10%. The dose – mean energy for all spectra was determined and employed for expressing the average radiation quality. Detailes will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Tadeusz Kowalski (AGH, University of Science and Technology, Fac. of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, Poland)

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