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PSD10: 10th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors

from Sunday 7 September 2014 (12:00) to Friday 12 September 2014 (13:20)
University of Surrey

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
7 Sept 2014
8 Sept 2014
9 Sept 2014
10 Sept 2014
11 Sept 2014
12 Sept 2014
08:00 --- Conference Registration will be open from 08:00 ---
Conference Opening Session and Welcome (until 08:40) (AP1&2)
08:30 --- Welcome Address, Professor Michael Kearney ---
Session 1: Applications in Astronomy and Astrophysics (until 10:40) (AP1&2)
08:40 (Invited) An overview of the STFC pixel detector programme - Mr Marcus Julian French (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))   (AP1&2)
09:20 On-ground characterization of the Euclid’s low noise CCD273 sensor for precise galaxy shape measurements - Dr Magdalena Szafraniec (UCL, Mullard Space Science Laboratory)   (AP1&2)
09:40 A coded aperture approach for particle measurements in space plasmas - Arrow Lee (U)   (AP1&2)
10:00 Experiment of the 30 cm-cube ETCC under the Intense Radiations with Proton Beam - Yoshihiro Matsuoka (Kyoto Univ.)   (AP1&2)
10:20 Pre and Post Proton Irradiation Responsivity Mapping of the Swept Charge Device CCD236 - Phillipa Smith (O)   (AP1&2)
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 2: High-Z detectors (until 13:00) ()
11:00 GaAs strip detector for high energy X-ray imaging - Dr Kukka Miikkulainen (Oxford Instruments Analytical Oy)   ()
11:20 Characterisation and performance comparison of two MYTHEN Cadmium-Telluride systems - Mrs Stefanie Elbracht-Leong (University of Melbourne)   ()
11:40 Cadmium Telluride Spectroscopic X-Ray Imaging Detectors - Matthew Veale (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)   ()
12:00 The influence of operating conditions on Schottky CdTe Medipix3RX spectroscopic pixel detector performance - Vytautas Astromskas (U)   ()
12:20 Microbeam studies and simulation of a CZT Ring-Drift detector - Ms Victoria Boothman (University of Surrey)   ()
12:40 The LAMBDA pixel detector with high-Z sensors - Dr David Pennicard (DESY)   ()
Session 5: Applications in Medicine and Proton Therapy (until 10:30) (AP1&2)
08:30 (Invited) PRaVDA – An Integrated Proton Therapy Imaging System - Nigel Allinson (U)   (AP1&2)
09:10 Proton tracking for medical imaging and dosimetry - Dr Jonathan Taylor (University of Liverpool)   (AP1&2)
09:30 Precise on-line position measurement for particle therapy - Dr Oxana Actis (Center for Proton Therapy, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland)   (AP1&2)
09:50 CMOS Active Pixel Sensors as Energy-Range Detectors for Proton Computed Tomography - Michela Esposito (University of Lincoln and University of Surrey) Michela Esposito (University of Surrey)   (AP1&2)
10:10 A proton Computed Tomography based medical imaging system - Monica Scaringella (University of Florence)   (AP1&2)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 6: Applications in High Energy Physics (until 13:00) (AP1&2)
11:00 (Invited) Micromegas Detectors for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment - Mauro Iodice (INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre)   (AP1&2)
11:40 Charge Collection Efficiency Simulations of Irradiated Silicon Strip Detectors - Timo Hannu Tapani Peltola (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))   (AP1&2)
12:00 Physics Studies for the CMS Muon System Upgrade with Triple-GEM detectors - Mr Claudio Caputo (University and INFN, Bari (IT))   (AP1&2)
12:20 The XENON program: performances of the XENON100 detectors and development of the new detector XENON1T - Dr Rino Persiani (Universityof Bologna & INFN-Bologna)   (AP1&2)
12:40 Large size hybrid GEM-Micromegas gaseous detectors for high particle flux at COMPASS - Damien Neyret (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))   (AP1&2)
Session 8: Detectors for Synchrotrons and FELS (until 10:30) (AP1&2)
08:30 (Invited) Jungfrau, Mönch and Eiger: Detector Development at the Swiss Light Source - Dr Bernd Schmitt (Paul Scherrer Institut)   (AP1&2)
09:10 PERCIVAL: Design and Characterisation of a CMOS Image Sensor for Direct Detection of Low-Energy X-Rays - Mr Ben Marsh (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)   (AP1&2)
09:30 The Large Pixel Detector for the European XFEL - Matthew Hart (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))   (AP1&2)
09:50 AGIPD, a high dynamic range fast detector for the European XFEL - Dr Alexander Klyuev (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)   (AP1&2)
10:10 Development and characterisation of sensor prototypes for the BELLE II Pixel Detector - Dr Paola Avella (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (AP1&2)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 9: Applications in Astronomy and Space Science (until 13:00) (AP1&2)
11:00 (Invited) DEPFET detectors for applications in astrophysics and photon science - Petra Majewski (PNSensor GmbH)   (AP1&2)
11:40 High spatial resolution detector for at-wavelength metrology of X-ray optics - Bipin Singh (RMD, Inc.)   (AP1&2)
12:00 A CMOS Active Pixel Sensor for high resolution imaging of the Jovian system - Matthew Soman (Open University)   (AP1&2)
12:20 Detector concepts for wide field X-ray imaging using Lobster Eye microchannel plate optics - Jon Lapington (University of Leicester)   (AP1&2)
12:40 Particle tracking at cryogenic temperatures: The Fast Annihilation Cryogenic Tracking (FACT) detector for the AEgIS antimatter gravity experiment - Dr James Storey (Universitaet Bern (CH))   (AP1&2)
Session 11: Pixel Detectors and Integration Technologies (until 10:30) (AP1&2)
08:30 3D Monolithically Stacked CMOS Active Pixel Sensors for Particle Position and Direction Measurements - Dr Daniele PASSERI (University and INFN Perugia)   (AP1&2)
08:50 PImMS2, a CMOS event-triggered time-stamping image sensor with storage of multiple timestamps - Jaya John John (University of Oxford)   (AP1&2)
09:10 Radiation-hard Active Pixel Sensors for HL-LHC Detector Upgrades based on HV/HR-CMOS Technology - Malte Backhaus (CERN)   (AP1&2)
09:30 Experimental results for the Cherwell MAPS sensors - Marcello Borri (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))   (AP1&2)
09:50 Large area CdTe based spectroscopic X-ray imaging detector - Paul Seller (RAL)   (AP1&2)
10:10 A Radiation Detector Design Mitigating Problems Related to Sawed Edges - Mr Artto Aurola (Pixpolar Oy / Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology (FI))   (AP1&2)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 12: Applied Radiation Imaging (until 13:00) (AP1&2)
11:00 (Invited) Position Sensitive Detectors in Security Imaging - Dr Edward Morton (Chief Technical Officer, Rapiscan Systems, USA)   (AP1&2)
11:40 Imaging of Ra-223 with a small-pixel CdTe detector: potential for improved image quantification for radionuclide dosimetry - James Scuffham (Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)   (AP1&2)
12:00 A Small Field of View Camera for Hybrid Gamma and Optical Imaging - Dr John Lees (University of Leicester)   (AP1&2)
12:20 Operational performance characteristics of the WISH detector array on the ISIS spallation neutron source - Dominic Duxbury (STFC, Rytherford Appleton Laboratory)   (AP1&2)
12:40 New Detection System for Heavy Element Research - Dr Yury Tsyganov (JINR)   (AP1&2)
Session 15: Detectors for High Radiation and Extreme Environments (until 10:30) (AP1&2)
08:30 (Invited) Direct-detection Monolithic Active CMOS sensors for X-ray Free-Electron Lasers and future ultimate storage ring light sources - Takaki Hatsui (RIKEN)   (AP1&2)
09:10 Optimization of charge collection and radiation hardness of edgeless silicon pixel sensors for photon science and HEP applications - Dr Jiaguo Zhang (DESY)   (AP1&2)
09:30 Charge Collection Efficiency of micro-strip Silicon Sensors Designed for studying charge multiplication after hadron irradiation - Sven Wonsak (University of Liverpool (GB))   (AP1&2)
09:50 Studying defects in the silicon lattice using CCDs - David Hall (O)   (AP1&2)
10:10 Thin n-in-p planar pixel sensors and active edge sensors for the ATLAS upgrade at HL-LHC - Stefano Terzo (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) (D)   (AP1&2)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 16: Gas-based and Photon Detection Systems (until 11:40) (AP1&2)
11:00 The TORCH PMT:A close packing, multi-anode, long life MCP-PMT for Cherenkov applications - Thomas Conneely (Photek LTD)   (AP1&2)
11:20 The kaon identification system in the NA62 experiment at CERN SPS - Bozydar Wrona (University of Liverpool (GB))   (AP1&2)
Closing Remarks (until 12:00) ()
Conference Registration and Welcome BBQ (until 20:00) (Wates House Staff Club)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Session 3: CERN@school joint session (until 15:40) (03MS00)
14:00 (Invited) Medipix and Timepix: introducing young people to nuclear and particle physics - Michael Campbell (CERN)   (03MS00)
14:40 --- Introduction to CERN@school, Becky Parker, Langton Star Centre ---
14:55 --- The LUCID experiment, Matt Harrison ---
15:05 --- Radiation Around You (RAY), Johnny Allain-Lebon ---
15:15 --- The MoEDAL experiment at the Large Hadron Collider ---
15:25 --- Student Presentations ---
15:30 --- Teacher presentation: Collaborating with your local university ---
15:40 --- Coffee Break with CERN@school posters ---
Session 4: Pixel Detectors for High Energy Physics (until 17:50) ()
16:10 Achievements of the ATLAS Upgrade Planar Pixel Sensors R&D Project - Clara Nellist (LAL-Orsay (FR))   ()
16:30 The Pixel Detector of the ATLAS experiment for the Run2 at the Large Hadron Collider - Yosuke Takubo (Tohoku university)   ()
16:50 The Upgrade of the LHCb Vertex Locator - Thomas Bird (University of Manchester (GB))   ()
17:10 CMS Pixel Phase I Upgrade - Philipp David Eller (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))   ()
17:30 Development of CMOS Pixel Sensors for the Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System - Levente Molnar (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))   ()
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Session 7: Engineering and Environmental Imaging (until 15:40) (AP1&2)
14:00 (Invited) Industrial imaging using high energy photons - Dr David Parker (University of Birmingham)   (AP1&2)
14:40 Environmental Compton camera development: imaging radionuclide transport in soils and geomaterials - Jamie Dormand (University of Liverpool)   (AP1&2)
15:00 Adaptive response matrices for optimised mixed-field imaging - Mr Jonathan Beaumont (Lancaster University)   (AP1&2)
15:20 Digital fast neutron radiography of rebar in concrete - Prof. Malcolm Joyce (Lancaster University)   (AP1&2)
15:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Industrial Exhibition and Reception (until 17:50) (AP3&4)
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Session 10: Posters 1 (Particle Physics, Pixel Detectors and Lifesciences) (until 15:40) (AP3&4)
14:00 3D position estimation in monolithic scintillation cameras using B-spline response parametrization. - Vladimir Solovov (LIP)   (AP3&4)
14:00 3D simulation and measurements of novel bias grid and edgeless ATLAS planar pixel sensor designs for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade - Clara Nellist (LAL-Orsay (FR))   (AP3&4)
14:00 A Novel Compton Camera Design featuring a Rear-panel Shield for Substantial Noise Reduction in Gamma-ray Images - Toru Nishiyama (Waseda University)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Characterisation and Modelling of a Thick Segmented Cadmium Tungstate Scintillator Array - Mr Sion Richards (University of Surrey)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Characterisation, calibration and performance of single photon counting CdTe pixel detectors - Dr Michael Rissi (Dectris Ltd)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Development and Characterization of 16-channel SiPM Prototype with sub-mm pixels for high resolution PET System - Kenji Shimazoe (The University of Tokyo)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Development of a Cryogenic Irradiation Test Facility and the Initial Results from a CCD236 Swept Charge Device - Dr Jason Gow (The Open University)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Development of a MPPC-based Prototype Gantry for Future MRI-PET Scanners - Yohta KUREI (Waseda University)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Development of a Prototype PET Scanner using Dual-Sided Readout DOI-PET Modules - Takuya FUJITA (Waseda University)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Development of radiation hard silicon strip sensors using T-CAD simulations and comparison with subsequently produced detectors - Martin Printz (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   (AP3&4)
14:00 Electrical-modeling and simulation of cumulative radiation effects in semiconductor pixels detectors: prospects and limits - Dr Nicolas Fourches (CEA/IRFU)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Enhancing gamma-ray detection and imaging characteristics in HPGe double-sides strip detectors employing signal decomposition algorithms - Lazar Supic (UC Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Feasibility study of a 1 mm resolution small-animal PET prototype - Dr Mercedes Rodriguez-Villafuerte (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Gas gain limitation in low pressure proportional counters filled with TEG mixtures - Dr Tadeusz Z. Kowalski (AGH, University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Al. Mickiewicza 30, Poland)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Influence of edge surface leakage current on the performance of pixelated CdTe radiation detectors - Diana Duarte (S)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Interconnect and bonding techniques for pixelated X-ray and gamma ray detectors - Andreas Schneider (S)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Low power wireless ultra-wide band transmission of bio signals - Alessandro Gabrielli (Universita e INFN (IT))   (AP3&4)
14:00 Low-area trim DAC in 40nm CMOS technology for pixel readout chips used in hybrid detectors. - Aleksandra Drozd (AGH University of Science and Technology)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Microdosimetric response of proportional counters filled with different tissue-equivalent gases. - Dr Tadeusz Kowalski (AGH, University of Science and Technology, Fac. of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Krakow, Poland)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Monte Carlo simulation of dose efficiency and image quality in X-ray Luminescence Optical Tomography - Dr Arnulfo Martinez-Davalos (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM) Dr Mercedes Rodriguez-Villafuerte (Instituto de Fisica, UNAM)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Novel Silicon Drift Detector Design Enabling Low Dark Noise and Simple Manufacturing - Mr Vladislav Marochkin (Pixpolar / Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology (FI))   (AP3&4)
14:00 One dimensional x-ray detector with high spectroscopic performance based on silicon strip detector technology - Piotr Wiącek (AGH University of Science and Technolgy, Kraków)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Performance tests during the IBL Stave Integration - Malte Backhaus (CERN)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Position sensitive detector for fluorescence lifetime imaging. - Evgeny Turbin (LIN Magdeburg) Yury Prokazov (LIN Magdeburg)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Radiation effects on true charge transfer TDI sensor in CMOS - Mr Joseph Rushton (Open University)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Radiation-induced charge trapping in n- and p-channel CCDs - Mr Daniel Wood (The Open University)   (AP3&4)
14:00 Setup for Laboratory studies of the charge transport in Silicon Dioxide - Svetlana Kushpil (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))   (AP3&4)
14:00 Testing fully depleted, thick monolithic CMOS pixels with high quantum efficiency - Andrew Clarke (T)   (AP3&4)
14:00 The Belle II DEPFET Pixel Detector and Cluster Shape Dependent Improvement of Spatial Resolution - Paola Avella (Max Planck Institute for Physics)   (AP3&4)
14:00 The CMS Pixel Readout Chip for the Phase I Upgrade - Simon Spannagel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (AP3&4)
14:00 The Effect of radiation on the spatial resolution of a novel proton range detector for use in proton Computed Tomography - Dr Tony Price (University of Birmingham)   (AP3&4)
14:00 X-CSIT: a toolkit for simulating 2D pixel detectors - Mr Ashley Joy (UCL)   (AP3&4)
15:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Conference Social Programme (until 20:00) ()
13:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Session 13: Posters 2 (Astrophysics, Synchroton and other Applications) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 A New Digital-Analog Multiplex Method Using Simple Adder Circuit - Mr Yasuaki NAKAMURA (The University of Tokyo)   ()
14:00 A Novel gain stage for Microchannel Plate Imaging Photomultipliers - Jon Lapington (University of Leicester)   ()
14:00 A Novel Pixellated Spectroscopic Detector Combined With a Broadband Monochromator to Produce Scatter-Free Images for the Improvement of Breast Cancer Detection - Ms Faith Green (University of Surrey)   ()
14:00 Capacitive Division Image Readout - Modelling and simulation of new designs - Jon Lapington (University of Leicester)   ()
14:00 Capacitive Division Image Readout - Rate and resolution measurements using adaptive pulse processing - Mr Steven Leach (University of Leicester)   ()
14:00 Characterising front-illuminated and back-illuminated e2v CCDs in the context of weak gravitational lensing - Mr Edgar Allanwood (Open University)   ()
14:00 Characterization of Double Modified Internal Gate Pixel by 3D Simulation Study - Mr Artto Aurola (Pixpolar Oy / Lappeenranta Univ. of Technology (FI))   ()
14:00 Comparative Study of LaBr3(Ce) and CZT Array on Determination of Uranium Enrichment for Nuclear Safeguards Application - Dr Sung-Woo Kwak (Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control)   ()
14:00 Digital processing of signals from fast scintillation detectors - Dr Mohammad Nakhostin (University of Surrey)   ()
14:00 Empirical formula of a spatial resolution for a wavelength-shifting fibre detector coupled with a ZnS/6LiF scintillator for thermal neutron detection - Dr Kentaro Toh (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)   ()
14:00 Evaluation of two-dimensional multiwire neutron detector with individual line readout under pulsed neutron irradiation - Dr Kentaro Toh (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)   ()
14:00 Improvements to EMCCD technology through advanced semiconductor simulations. - Mr Nathan Bush (The e2v Centre for Electronic Imaging)   ()
14:00 Investigation of a possible physical mechanism for signal dependent charge sharing in CCDs - Daniel Weatherill (The Open University)   ()
14:00 Microstructured silicon neutron detectors for security applications - Mr Sergi Esteban (Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona, IMB-CNM,CSIC)   ()
14:00 Monte Carlo Simulations of Scintillation Detectors for Time-of-Flight X-ray Imaging - Mr Nick Calvert (University College London)   ()
14:00 Muon Scattering Tomography Using Drift Chamber Technology - Mr Matthew Daykin (AWE plc)   ()
14:00 Performance characteristics of the new detector array for the SANS2d instrument on the ISIS spallation neutron source - Dominic Duxbury (STFC, Rytherford Appleton Laboratory)   ()
14:00 Performance Study of Electron Tracking Compton Camera with Compact System for Environmental gamma-ray Observations - Dr Tetsuya Mizumoto (Kyoto University)   ()
14:00 Position sensitive photon detectors using epitaxial InGaAs/InAlAs quantum-well - Tamiraa Ganbold   ()
14:00 Quality Control and Beam Test of GEM Detectors for Future Upgrades of the CMS Muon High Rate Region at the LHC - Sinem Salva Diblen (Ghent University (BE))   ()
14:00 RadICAL - Directional Detector for Source Localisation - Mr George Randall (UCL)   ()
14:00 Strategies for reducing the environmental impact of gaseous detector operation at the CERN-LHC experiments - Roberto Guida (CERN)   ()
14:00 The upgrade of the muon system of the CMS experiment - Marcello Abbrescia (Universita e INFN (IT))   ()
15:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 14: Applications in Life Sciences, Medicine and Biology (until 17:50) (AP1&2)
16:10 (Invited) Energy dependence of detectors for 3D dosimetry of light ion beams - Hugo Palmans (National Physical Laboratory UK, and EBG MedAustron GmbH Austria)   (AP1&2)
16:50 PGRIS: Towards portable Compton camera imaging - Dr Samantha Colosimo (University of Liverpool)   (AP1&2)
17:10 Dual-energy mammography with a pixellated spectroscopic detector - Silvia Pani (U)   (AP1&2)
17:30 ProSPECTus: A Compton Camera For Medical Imaging - Amina Patel (U)   (AP1&2)
19:00 --- Conference Dinner ---