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Edward Morton
(Chief Technical Officer, Rapiscan Systems, USA)
11/09/2014, 11:00
Applications in Security and Environmental Imaging
Invited Paper
Both one-dimensional and two-dimensional position sensitive detectors are deployed widely for creating X-ray images in the security inspection industry. The majority of these sensors are based on scintillation detectors with photodiode readout. However, the constraints in image quality, allowable dose to the object, the need for quantitative inspection and control over manufactured cost lead...
James Scuffham
(Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
11/09/2014, 11:40
Applications in Life Sciences, Biology and Medicine
Oral Paper
Ra-223 Dichloride (Xofigo™) is a promising new radiopharmaceutical offering survival benefit and palliation of painful bone metastases in patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer [1]. The response to radionuclide therapy and toxicity are directly linked to the absorbed radiation doses to the tumour and organs at risk respectively. Accurate dosimetry necessitates quantitative imaging...
John Lees
(University of Leicester)
11/09/2014, 12:00
Applications in Life Sciences, Biology and Medicine
Oral Paper
The development of compact low profile detectors has allowed the production of small field of view, hand held imaging devices for use at the patient bedside and in operating theatres. The combination of an optical and a gamma-ray camera, in a co-aligned configuration, offers high spatial resolution multi-modality imaging giving a superimposed scintigraphic and optical image. This innovative...
Dominic Duxbury
(STFC, Rytherford Appleton Laboratory)
11/09/2014, 12:20
Detectors for Neutron facilities
Oral Paper
The performance of the position sensitive neutron detector array of the WISH diffractometer is discussed. WISH (Wide angle In a Single Histogram) is one of the seven instruments currently available for users on the second target station (TS2) of the ISIS spallation neutron source, and is used mainly for magnetic studies of materials. WISH is instrumented with an array of 10 detector panels,...
Yury Tsyganov
11/09/2014, 12:40
Applications in Nuclear Physics
Oral Paper
New detection system design for heavy element research with 48Ca projectile has been reported. This system is based on application of 32 position sensitive strip PIPS detector and low pressure pentane filled TOF detector application in 48Ca induced nuclear reactions. To suppress beam associated background products new version of real-time method of “active correlations” has been applied....
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Dr Yury Tsyganov
New Detection System for Heavy Element Research
AP1&2, University of Surrey
12:40 - 13:00
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