Top physics: from charge asymmetry to the boosted regime

TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room


Fabrizio Margaroli (Roma "La Sapienza"), Gavin Salam (CERN, Princeton University, LPTHE (Paris)), Gilad Perez (CERN & Weizmann), Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)
Workshop on the theoretical aspects of the forward backward asymmetry (A_FB) and of the description and use of boosted tops. For A_FB, the main goal is an assessment of the theoretical uncertainty within the SM, and a discussion of possible observables, both at the tevatron and the LHC, which could provide an independent probe of the standard model (SM) or beyond the SM nature of the asymmetry observed at the tevatron. The discussion on boosted tops will be primarily focused on the theoretical issues of using boosted tops to probe top production dynamics and t-tbar spectra. EVO connection will be available: the link will appear on the agenda page 30' before the start of the meeting
  • Adam Falkowski
  • Alex Christopher Martyniuk
  • Alexander Josef Grohsjean
  • Alexander Mitov
  • Alison Lister
  • Amnon Harel
  • Ana Ovcharova
  • Antoine CHAPELAIN
  • Attilio Picazio
  • Caterina Doglioni
  • Catrin Bernius
  • Chris Pollard
  • christophe grojean
  • Chung Kao
  • Dan Amidei
  • Danilo Enoque Ferreira De Lima
  • Davide Gerbaudo
  • delaunay cedric
  • Douglas Orbaker
  • Elizaveta Shabalina
  • Emidio Gabrielli
  • Emily Nicole Thompson
  • Ernst Trojan
  • Fabrizio Margaroli
  • Farida Fassi
  • Francesco Rubbo
  • Francesco Spano
  • Frederic Deliot
  • Frederic Deliot
  • Gaetano Barone
  • Gavin Salam
  • German Rodrigo
  • Gilad Perez
  • Giovanni Punzi
  • Gustaaf Brooijmans
  • Henry Brown
  • Jacob Groth-Jensen
  • Jacob Thomas Linacre
  • James Howarth
  • Jaroslav Antos
  • Jeannine Wagner-Kuhr
  • Jiri Kvita
  • Johann Kuehn
  • Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra
  • Justin Pilot
  • Kamil Augsten
  • Kate Shaw
  • Krzysztof Jan Sliwa
  • Kurt Rinnert
  • Leandro Almeida
  • Lene Bryngemark
  • Liza Mijovic
  • Malgorzata Worek
  • Manuel Perez-Victoria
  • Marcel Vos
  • Marcello Barisonzi
  • Marino Romano
  • Marino Romano
  • Michael Trott
  • michelangelo mangano
  • Michihisa Takeuchi
  • Pavol Bartos
  • Peter Skands
  • Pyungwon Ko
  • Rachik Soualah
  • Reddy Pratap Gandrajula
  • Reinhild Yvonne Peters
  • Rhorry Gauld
  • Richard Nisius
  • Roberto Tenchini
  • Roman Lysak
  • Samuel Hamilton
  • Sarah Livermore
  • Sergio Gonzalez Sevilla
  • Sophio Pataraia
  • Stanislav Tokar
  • Susie Bedikian
  • Themis Bowcock
  • Thomas Peiffer
  • Thorsten Chwalek
  • Venkat Kaushik
  • Veronica SANZ
  • Vladislav Simak
  • Weina Ji
  • Werner Bernreuther
  • Youngdo Oh