The schedule for this Journal Club on String Theory will be as follows:
1) The latest news in the world of strings
Please bring papers that caught your recent attention and briefly summarize motivations, methods and results.
2) Non-perturbative corrections in IIB orientifolds
Gabriele Honecker will lead a discussion on:
"Non-perturbative corrections in IIB orientifolds"
Non-perturbative corrections to the Kaehler potential in N=1 IIB orientifold compactifications arise from
both b-field moduli and D-instantons. Following 0705.2353 I am discussing these effects and how they
constrain the non-perturbative superpotential.
Compactification on the Enriques Calabi-Yau serves as a simple example.
e-Print Archive: arXiv:0705.3253v2 [hep-th]