14–17 Nov 2012
Grand Hotel, Pusan, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Status Updates on STAR Computing Farm at KISTI

16 Nov 2012, 14:20
Nam-won (2nd) (Grand Hotel)

Nam-won (2nd)

Grand Hotel


Dr Seo-young Noh (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)


KISTI and STAR collaboration have been tightly co-working together to open a new Tier 1 service at KISTI. KISTI has been recently upgraded its STAR computing farm to 1024 cores, which is entirely dedicated to STAR community. In this talk, this smooth transition from the old farm to the new one will be covered including system configuration and topology. In addition to this, KISTI’s activities for community support and supporting plan for STAR computing will be covered in detail.
Keywords KISTI STAR Farm, STAR Tier 1, STAR Supporting Plan


Dr Seo-young Noh (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)


Dr Haengjin Jang (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)

Presentation materials