Yuhui Zhu
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS)
16/11/2012, 16:40
The hyperon-nucleon(Y-N) interaction is of great physical interest because it introduces a new quantum number strangeness in nuclear matter. It is predicted to be the decisive interaction in some high-density matter systems, such as neutron stars [1]. RHIC, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, provides an ideal laboratory to study Y-N interaction because hyperons and nucleons are abundantly...
Kenji Morita
(Kyot University)
16/11/2012, 17:05
We discuss the probabiblity distribution of the baryon number $P(N)$ in the present of chiral phase transition. First, we clarify the relation of $P(N)$ with the phase structure in complex chemical potential based on the Landau theory of phase transition. Then, we compute $P(N)$ and resultant cumulants, which are expected to be sensitive to critical behavior, in the quark-meson model with...
Daicui Zhou
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
16/11/2012, 17:30
The two-particle azimuthal correlation is one of the promising probes for investigating the properties of the high-density medium formed in heavy-ion collisions at high energy. The $\gamma$+jet channel is considered the "golden channel" for studying jet fragmentation and parton energy loss due to the nature of the photon. The jet fragmentation can be estimated from the charged hadron and the...