Alessandro Buzzatti
(Columbia University)
The CUJET1.0 Monte Carlo Jet Energy loss model is applied to predict the jet flavor, centrality and density dependence of the nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$ and the elliptic flow $v_2$ at RHIC and LHC. Running coupling effects due to combined $x$, $k_\perp$ and $q_\perp$ evolution are included for the first time in the dynamical DGLV opacity expansion framework and are shown to provide a natural dynamical QCD tomographic solution to the surprising transparency$^1$ of the quark gluon plasma produced at LHC as suggested by $p_T>10$ GeV $R_{AA}$ data from ALICE, ATLAS, and CMS.
(Ref: 1: W.H.Horowitz et al, NPA872(2011)265, A.Buzzatti et al, PRL108(2012)022301, B.Betz et al arXiv:1201.0281 [nucl-th])
Alessandro Buzzatti
(Columbia University)
Miklos Gyulassy
(Columbia University)
Peer reviewing
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