Jul 23 – 28, 2012
Wichita, Kansas (USA)
US/Central timezone
a stimulating mix of presentations on both experimental and theoretical particle physics. Presentations on preparation for upcoming experiments will share the podium with recent results. The contributions will include reports from the various experimental projects that relate to the theme of the conference. Continuing the tradition of the BEACH series, all of the sessions will be plenary sessions. The program will accommodate review talks of twenty to thirty minutes and short contributions requiring ten to fifteen minutes. Topics will include: •CP violation in K and B-meson decays •Heavy quark physics •Heavy quarkonium production and decay •Light meson production and neutrino flux •Heavy Quark Effective Theory •Lattice QCD and non-relativistic QCD •Precise electroweak measurements •Hyperon physics •Hadronic-neutrino physics •Top-quark physics •New experimental facilities and projects
Wichita, Kansas (USA)