July 1, 2026 to August 31, 2026
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone


The 26th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, EFB2026, will take place in Prague, Czech Republic one week in the period July - August, 2026. It will be the next conference in a series that previously took place in Mainz (2023), Guildford (2019), Aarhus (2016), Krakow (2013), Salamanca (2010), Pisa (2007), Groningen (2004), Bled (2002), ...

The EFB conference brings together theorists and experimentalists working in the field of few-body systems. Over the years, the conference has been always open to cover fresh and challenging problems, expanding its frontiers to emerging directions in particle, nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics.

We cordially invite you to participate and contribute to the scientific program of the Conference!


Topics to be discussed at the conference include:

  • Nuclei and hypernuclei
  • Hadron physics
  • Electroweak processes
  • Nuclear astrophysics
  • Cold atoms and quantum gases
  • Atoms and molecules
  • Few-body methods
  • Few-body aspects of many-body systems

Venue and host institutions

The HYP2021 Conference will be hosted by

The Conference will take place in pavilion IMPAKT, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University (Troja Campus)  which provides suitable working conditions for the meeting.

Prague, Czech Republic
Pavilion IMPAKT, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Praha 8
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