Sanjay Ghosh
(Bose Institute)
Collective flow is an essential component in describing the
dynamics of relativistic heavy ion collisions. The flow characteristics are intimately related to the equation of state of the thermally equilibrated matter created in these collisions through the speed of sound. Using either the Bjorken or Landau hydrodynamics or a combination thereof it is possible to relate the
particle yields to the speed of sound. Here we study the flow properties using the equation of state from an effective model and discuss the possible distinctive signatures at low densities and high temperature relevant for LHC and at high densities and low temperatures relevant for FAIR. The difference in characteristics of these two scenarios may help us in identifying the region around the
critical end point.
Rajarshi Ray
Ramaprasad Adak
(Bose Institute)
Sanjay Ghosh
(Bose Institute)
Subhasis Samanta
(Bose Institute)
Supriya Das
(Bose Institute)