Karoly Uermoessy
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
For the description of hadronic spectra in high-energy nuclear reactions, it is essential to understand the process of hadronisation. However, hadron creation is still an unsettled matter from the theoretical point of view.
In the talk, I show that hadron distributions inside jets (fragmentation functions) created in s^1/2 = 7 TeV (LHC) proton-proton [1] and also in high-energy electron-positron [2] collisions can be described by a statistical jet-fragmentation model. This model combines microcanonical statistics and super-statistics induced by multiplicity fluctuations. The resulting scale dependence of the parameters of the model turns out to be similar to what was observed in electron-positron annihilations in Ref. [2].
[1] Phys. Lett. B 701: 111-116, 2011; arXiv:1101.3023
[2] Submitted to PLB, arXiv:1204.1508
Karoly Uermoessy
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi
(Wigner RCP of the HAS)
Tamás Sándor Biro
(Wigner RCP of the HAS)