Philipe Mota
(Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
In this work, we propose a new
ow correlation observable that provide
valuable information about the geometrical properties of the QGP at the
thermalization time. An event-by-event analysis within a longitudinal tube
initial condition model shows that emitted particles high pt higher than 1
GeV are extremely sensitive to the level of granularity present in the initial
conditions. Therefore, we studied the eect of the width and the energy
content of the tubes in the correlation of
ow calculated in dierent pt cuts.
On the other hand, we are able to extract the values of these parameters from
the NEXSPheRIO model. Furthermore, we applied this analysis to STAR
experimental data in order to constrain the properties of the QGP generated
at AuAu RHIC collisions.
The knowledge about the geometrical properties of the initial conditions
provides an important step in phenomenologically relating the nal observ-
ables obtained experimentally and theoretical QCD predictions.
Primary authors
Philipe Mota
(Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
Takeshi Kodama
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)