Tomasz Bold
(AGH Univ. of Science amp; Technology, Krakow)
The results of the study of ultraperipheral (gamma-gamma and gamma-Pomeron) interactions are presented. The analysis was performed with the data recorded by the ATLAS experiment during LHC Pb-Pb run in year 2011. The data, taken at the beam energy of 2.75 TeV per nucleon, correspond to an integrated luminosity of 141/microbarn. Muon pairs, produced in pure electromagnetic two-photon interactions and in reactions of J/Psi photoproduction, were analyzed and the cross section of AA -> AA + mu+mu- reaction was measured. Another measurement of the J/Psi photoproduction cross section was carried out with the events accompanied by mutual neutron emission and triggered by Zero Degree Calorimeter.
Zdenek ATLAS Collaboration
(Charles University Prague)