12–18 Aug 2012
US/Eastern timezone

If you have any questions about the details of the program please contact Bolek Wyslouch

On the Nature and Composition of the low-lying scalar mesons

16 Aug 2012, 16:00
Regency 1/3 and Ambassador

Regency 1/3 and Ambassador

Poster Hadron thermodynamics and chemistry Poster Session Reception


Tamal Kumar Mukherjee (Institute of High Energy Physics, TPCSF)


We follow chiral effective model [1] of a quarkonia nonet and a tetraquark nonet as well as a complex iso-singlet (glueball) field to study the lowest lying scalar mesons on the basis of chiral symmetry and UA(1) symmetry. By virtue of the isospin symmetry, the isospin 1 and isospin 1/2 physical states are assumed to have two and four bare quark components whereas I = 0 physical scalar and pseudoscalar mesons are assumed to have all the three bare components. We find that the model can accommodate the mass spectra of low-lying states quite well. Based on our result, we will discuss on the nature of the lowest iso-scalar f0(600) or sigma meson as well as the possible scalar and pseudoscalar glueball candidates. Referece: 1. Tamal K. Mukherjee, Mei Huang and Qi-Shu Yan, arXiv:1203.5717 [hep-ph].


Tamal Kumar Mukherjee (Institute of High Energy Physics, TPCSF)


Mei Huang (IHEP, CAS) Qi-Shu Yan (College of Physical Sciences, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

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