Bikash Sinha
The conventional scenario to date of the quark hadron phase transition in the microsecond old universe is essentially guided by lattice calculation leading to a cross over from quarks to hadrons.
However, it is entirely possible that Affleck – Dine mechanism of baryogenesis leading to a large baryon asymmetry is more natural than in other models along the route baryogenesis via leptogenesis. In this model [1] the universe is assumed to begin with a large baryon chemical potential through an Affleck – Dine mechanism and then undergoes a “little (or tepid) inflation” after crossing the QCD first-order phase transition line, while remaining in a deconfined and a chirally symmetric phase. We exploit first order phase transition [2] and examine critically what could be the relics. Candidates such as “Strange Quark Nuggets” (SQN), even Dark energy and floating “orphan” quarks are going to be discussed.
[1] T. Boeckel and J. Schaffner – Bielich Phys. Rev. Letts 105, 041301 (2010).
[2] P. Bhattacharya, J. Alam, S. Raha and B. Sinha, Phys. Rev. D 48, 4630 (1993)
A. Bhattacharya, J. Alam. S. Sarkar, P. Roy, B. Sinha, S. Raha and
P. Bhattacharya, Phys. Rev. D 61, 093509 (2000)