12–18 Aug 2012
US/Eastern timezone

If you have any questions about the details of the program please contact Bolek Wyslouch

Exclusive photoproduction of rho0 mesons in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV

16 Aug 2012, 16:00
Regency 1/3 and Ambassador

Regency 1/3 and Ambassador

Poster Electroweak probes Poster Session Reception


Christoph Mayer (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))


The strong electromagnetic fields generated in the collision of Pb ions at the LHC allow photon-photon and photonuclear interactions to be studied in a kinematic regime unexplored so far. The exclusive photoproduction of vector mesons was studied with the ALICE detector in ultra-peripheral PbPb collisions, where the impact parameter is larger than the sum of the nuclear radii and hadronic interactions are strongly suppressed. A data sample corresponding to about 3.6 microb^-1 was collected during the 2010 LHC heavy-ion run at an energy sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV using triggers that select ultra-peripheral collisions. In this data sample, Rho0 photoproduction at mid-rapidity corresponds to a photon-nucleon center of mass energy of 45 GeV, about 4 times higher than in previous experiments. The cross section for exclusive rho0 production was measured, and the relative contributions to the invariant mass distribution from resonant and non-resonant processes was evaluated. The results are compared to calculations with different theoretical models.


Collaboration ALICE (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)


Christoph Mayer (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))

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