12–18 Aug 2012
US/Eastern timezone

If you have any questions about the details of the program please contact Bolek Wyslouch

Analysis of the pi0-charged hadron correlations using ALICE EMCal

16 Aug 2012, 16:00
Regency 1/3 and Ambassador

Regency 1/3 and Ambassador


Xiangrong Zhu (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))


Neutral pion production measured with the ALICE detector in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC is an important tool to study the properties of the hot and dense medium created in heavy-ion collisions. The neutral pion yield, obtained with the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 2.76 and 7 TeV, as well as in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76, is analyzed in terms of x_t scaling. High-p_t neutral pions are used as trigger particles to study the momentum distribution of the associated charged particles. The latest status of the analysis in pp and Pb-Pb collisions will be presented.


Collaboration ALICE (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)


Jiri Kral (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))

Presentation materials