Manuel Lorenz
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
The HADES experiment, installed at the Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) accelerator facility in Darmstadt,
investigates dielectron emission and strangeness production in various collision systems (p+p, p+n, p+A and A+A) in the 1-3.5 AGeV regime.
The observed low-mass dielectron and Ξ- enhancement in intermediate heavy-ion collisions indicates the onset of medium effects, on the one hand, and underlines the importance of a solid knowledge of contributions of baryon resonances on the other hand.
The latter turned out to be of eminent importance for the interpretation of the spectral shape of the ρ meson already in elementary data and moreover for the extraction of additional medium effects in p+A and A+A collisions. Such a knowledge is gained by the analysis of exclusive hadronic channels in elementary reactions.
In this contribution, we summarize the findings of HADES and implications, with a special emphasis on the baryon resonance contributions.
Primary author
Manuel Lorenz
(Goethe University Frankfurt)