12–18 Aug 2012
US/Eastern timezone

If you have any questions about the details of the program please contact Bolek Wyslouch

Measurements of the Correlation between Jets and the Reaction Plane in STAR at RHIC

15 Aug 2012, 11:40


Oral Presentation Jets Parallel 4B: Jets (Chair N. Armesto)


Alice Ohlson (Yale University)


The relationship between jet properties and the underlying geometry of the medium produced in heavy ion collisions can be explored through a measurement of the correlation between the axes of reconstructed jets and the reaction plane (defined as jet $v_2$). Such a measurement provides information on the pathlength dependence of medium-induced parton energy loss as well as biases in jet-finding methods. In addition, an estimate of jet $v_2$ is necessary for background-subtraction in jet-triggered correlation analyses, which are used to study medium-induced jet shape modification. However, jet $v_2$ measurements are complicated by biases in the event plane calculation due to the presence of the jet, leading to an overestimation of jet $v_2$. In order to reduce the artificial jet-event plane bias, we utilize detectors at forward pseudorapidity ($\eta$), such as the Forward Time Projection Chambers located at $2.5 < |\eta| < 4$ and the Zero Degree Calorimeter Shower Maximum Detectors at $|\eta| > 6.3$, to determine the event plane when measuring $v_2$ of reconstructed jets at mid-rapidity ($|\eta| < 1$). We present first results of jet $v_2$ measurements in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions in STAR and their implications.


Alice Ohlson (Yale University)

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