J.H. Lee
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Heavy nuclei probed in deep inelastic scattering and diffraction with leptonic probes
in the high-energy (small-x) regime open a new precision window into answering
fundamental questions in QCD.
The proposed electron-ion collider at BNL (eRHIC) will be a new high-energy
and high-luminosity electron-ion/proton machine. The design offers
unprecedented access to study the nature of QCD matter and strong color fields.
In particular, the new collider will allow us to explore the properties of
gluon saturation, which is one of the fundamental outstanding problems in QCD.
The compelling physics case for the electron-Ion collider is presented with
a focus on studying saturated gluonic matter in the context of the initial
condition of the high-energy heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC.
In this talk, we will discuss how selected key measurements - dihadron correlation
and exclusive diffractive vector meson production can be used to probe
and characterize the gluonic matter produced at small-x in eA collisions.
J.H. Lee
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)