Chin-Hao Chen
(PHENIX Collaboration)
Heavy flavor quarks such as charm and bottom, provide important probes of the parton energy loss mechanism in quark-gluon plasma. By studying the single electrons coming from the single leptonic decays of D and B mesons, we can study the energy loss of charm and bottom.
In order to study the heavy flavor energy loss process, a baseline comparison in p+p collisions where there is no quark-gluon plasma presented is crucial. The Silicon Vertex Detector (VTX) is the latest upgrade installed in PHENIX in 2011, which greatly enhances the ability of the heavy flavor measurement, and will be able to distinguish the production of single electrons produced from charm and bottom decays. The status of the analysis of heavy flavor electrons produced in p+p collisions from 2012 dataset will be presented.
Chin-Hao Chen
(PHENIX Collaboration)