Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler
vSPheRIO is a new second order viscous hydrodynamic code for ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions that can be consistently run on an event-by-event basis. This code, which is the viscous generalization of the well known SPheRIO
code \cite{Aguiar:2000hw}, solves second order viscous hydrodynamic equations. In this talk, we use vSPheRIO to investigate the time evolution of a boost invariant QGP, with a realistic equation of state \cite{Huovinen:2009yb}, and
temperature dependent $\eta/s$ and $\zeta/s$ \cite{NoronhaHostler:2008ju}. Results for the anisotropic flow coefficients $v_2$ to $v_5$ obtained within this setup are compared to other viscous hydrodynamic calculations
that involved constant $\eta/s$ and $\zeta/s$ ratios \cite{Schenke:2011bn}.
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%``QCD Equation of State and Hadron Resonance Gas,''
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[arXiv:0912.2541 [hep-ph]].
%%CITATION = ARXIV:0912.2541;%%
J.~Noronha-Hostler, J.~Noronha and C.~Greiner,
%``Transport Coefficients of Hadronic Matter near T(c),''
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[arXiv:1109.6289 [hep-ph]].
%%CITATION = ARXIV:1109.6289;%%
Frederique Grassi
Gabriel Denicol
(Frankfurt University)
Jorge Noronha
Rone Andrade
(Universidade de São Paulo USP)
Takeshi Kodama
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Yogiro Hama
(Universidade de Sao Paulo)