Ilkka Helenius
18/08/2012, 09:20
Pre-equilibrium and initial state dynamics
Oral Presentation
The knowledge of the parton distribution functions (PDFs) is essential for interpreting any hard-process results from hadronic and nuclear collisions. The nuclear modifications of PDFs have been successfully determined through a global DGLAP analysis e.g. in the sets EKS98 and more recently EPS09. So far the nuclear PDFs (nPDFs) in the global fits have been taken to be spatially independent....
Dennis Perepelitsa
(Columbia University)
18/08/2012, 09:30
Oral Presentation
Proton-nucleus (p+A) collisions can be used to investigate cold nuclear matter effects on hard-scattered partons and serve as an important baseline for heavy-ion collisions. In particular, p+A collisions at different centrality selections can probe the impact parameter dependence of nuclear parton distribution functions, initial state energy loss and final state parton interactions in the cold...
Yaxian Mao
(Vanderbilt University (US))
18/08/2012, 09:40
Oral Presentation
The poster presents jet shapes, defined as the fractional transverse momentum distribution as a function of the distance r from the jet axis, where the jets are reconstructed by the anti-kT clustering algorithm. We determine the energy flow inside the jet by using particles reconstructed and calibrated using the Particle Flow algorithm. Different background subtraction methods are employed to...
Jorge A Robles
(Rutgers, State Univ. of New Jersey (US))
18/08/2012, 09:50
Heavy flavor and quarkonium production
Oral Presentation
The flavor dependence of jet quenching is a powerful handle to discriminate models of parton energy loss in heavy ion collisions. While there is evidence for a strong energy loss of heavy quarks from single particle measurements, heavy flavor tagging of fully reconstructed jets has thus far not been achieved in heavy ion collisions. In this talk we demonstrate the capacity of CMS to identify...
Marta Verweij
(University of Utrecht (NL))
18/08/2012, 10:00
Oral Presentation
We report a measurement of transverse momentum spectra of jets detected with the ALICE detector in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_NN}$=2.76 TeV. Jets are reconstructed from charged particles using the anti-$k_{T}$ jet algorithm. The transverse momentum of tracks is measured down to 150 MeV/c which gives access
to the low $p_{T}$ fragments of the jet. The background from soft particle production...
Masayuki Wada
(University of Texas at Austin)
18/08/2012, 10:10
Hadron thermodynamics and chemistry
Oral Presentation
Hadronic resonances can play a pivotal role in providing experimental
evidence for partial chiral symmetry restoration in the deconfined
quark-gluon phase produced in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions.
Their lifetimes, which are comparable to the lifetime of the fireball,
make them a valuable tool to study medium modifications to the
resonant state due to the chiral phase transition...
Yasuki Tachibana
(Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo)
18/08/2012, 10:20
Oral Presentation
Hot and dense QCD matter, namely the quark gluon plasma, is created in high energy heavy ion collisions. High energy partons are also created through initial hard scatterings and have to traverse the QGP medium. These energetic partons are subject to lose their energy due to strong interactions with the medium. So jets in heavy ion collisions are expected to give information about the stopping...
Todd Springer
18/08/2012, 10:30
New theoretical developments
Oral Presentation
We investigate contributions from local hydrodynamic fluctuations to
the near side ridge in the two‐particle correlation data from heavy
ion collisions. We introduce a local perturbation on top of a
hydrodynamic flow which respects conformal symmetry and incorporates
radial flow. The subsequent evolution of the perturbation is
determined by hydrodynamics; after freeze‐out, we examine the...