Francesco Noferini
(Universita e INFN (IT))
17/08/2012, 14:00
Oral Presentation
The anisotropic flow of identified particles is an important observable to probe the freeze-out properties, the parton energy loss and the partonic phase of the system created in heavy-ion collisions. We report on the elliptic and triangular flow measurements for a number of identified particles such as charged pions, kaons and (anti-)protons, as well as K0s , Λ/anti-Λ, Ξ, and Ω. The results...
Eric Andrew Appelt
(Vanderbilt University (US))
17/08/2012, 14:20
Correlations and fluctuations
Oral Presentation
The elliptic flow anisotropies of charged particles and neutral pions (pi0s) have been measured by the CMS collaboration for PbPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 2.76 TeV. The second Fourier components of the anisotropic azimuthal distribution are obtained using an event-plane technique for pi0s and four different analysis techniques for charged particles: event plane,...
Tomasz Bold
(AGH Univ. of Science amp; Technology, Krakow)
17/08/2012, 14:40
Oral Presentation
The measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles obtained with the multi-particle correlations method will be presented and compared to the results obtained with the event plane method for Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV from the ATLAS experiment. Results on flow harmonics, determined from the cumulants of up to eight-particle correlations, will be shown over a wide transverse...
Takahito for the PHENIX Collaboration Todoroki
(University of Tsukuba, RIKEN Nishina Center)
17/08/2012, 15:00
Oral Presentation
Two particle correlations provide key information on the interactions
between hard-scattered partons and the hot dense medium created
by ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions.
An important aspect of extracting jet functions from correlation
measurements in heavy ion collisions is to estimate the underlying
event background level and its modulation by vn. This is essential for
the goal...
Misha Stephanov
17/08/2012, 15:20
Correlations and fluctuations
Oral Presentation
We describe intrinsic hydrodynamic fluctuations of the expanding
boost-invariant (Bjorken) solution. We find that these fluctuations
are correlated over a wide rapidity range due to the propagation of
the sound modes, whose dispersion is nontrivial because of the
expansion. Since the magnitudes of these correlations are proportional
to viscosities, their measurement can, in principle, be...
Fernando Gardim
17/08/2012, 15:40
Correlations and fluctuations
Oral Presentation
We investigate how the initial geometry of a heavy-ion collision is transformed into final flow observables by solving event-by-event ideal hydrodynamics with realistic fluctuating initial conditions. We study quantitatively to what extent anisotropic flow ($v_n$) is determined by the initial eccentricity $\varepsilon_n$ for a set of realistic simulations, and we discuss which definition of...