Prithwish Tribedy
(for the STAR collaboration)
8/14/12, 4:45 PM
Correlations and fluctuations
Oral Presentation
Dynamical fluctuations in globally conserved quantities such as baryon
number, strangeness, charge, and isospin are suggested to carry information about the de-confinement and chiral phase transitions. An
observation of enhanced dynamical fluctuations or non-monotonic behavior of transverse momentum correlations as a function of colliding energy might indicate the system has probed the...
Michael Weber
(University of Houston (US))
8/14/12, 5:05 PM
Correlations and fluctuations
Oral Presentation
The creation of a strongly interacting deconfined Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) phase in relativistic heavy-ion collisions can be studied by the fluctuations of conserved quantities like net-charge, and correlations between positive and negative pairs by using the method of Balance functions. Net-charge fluctuations are sensitive to the number of charges present in the system, thus the fluctuations...
Lizhu Chen
(Central China Normal University)
8/14/12, 5:25 PM
Correlations and fluctuations
Oral Presentation
In high-energy nuclear collisions, we study the properties of the excited nuclear matter with QCD degrees of freedom and search for the signals of the QCD phase transition. The ratios of the cumulants of conserved number distributions are sensitive to the correlation length of the system created in heavy-ion collisions, hence they are considered as good observables to study phase transitions....
Yasuto Hori
(University of Tokyo (JP))
8/14/12, 5:45 PM
Oral Presentation
The charge dependence of the azimuthal correlations between produced hadrons is
an important probe of the QGP matter created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In
this talk, we will present the mixed harmonic charge dependent azimuthal correlations
measured at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV by the ALICE Collaboration at the LHC. We observe a clear charge...
Piotr Bozek
8/14/12, 6:05 PM
Oral Presentation
The puzzle of the fall-off of the same-side ridge in relative pseudorapidity, found in unbiased two-particle correlations, is solved. We show that the event-by-event hydrodynamics followed by statistical hadronization with proper charge conservation provides the crucial non-flow component and leads to agreement with the data at soft transverse momenta (p_T < 2 GeV). The fall-off of the...