Edward Shuryak
(stony brook university)
8/14/12, 2:15 PM
Oral Presentation
Large energy deposition from LHC quenching jets restarted interest
to shock formation. Shocks also have theoretical significance as
the simplest out-of-equilibrium setting without time dependence.
While weak shocks have small gradients and can be
treated hydrodynamically in the Navier-Stokes (NS) approximation,
the ones without a small parameter (strong shocks) needs other methods.
8/14/12, 2:35 PM
Oral Presentation
Collective flow measurements continue to play an important role in ongoing efforts to map out the temperature dependence of the transport coefficient $\frac{\eta}{s}(T)$, for the strongly interacting matter produced in heavy ion collisions at RHIC. Recently, PHENIX has performed a detailed set of measurements of the higher-order flow coefficients ($v_{n}$ for n=2,3,4), for both inclusive and...
Yadav Pandit
(Kent State University)
8/14/12, 2:55 PM
Global and collective dynamics
Oral Presentation
A primary goal of the RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) is to search for evidence of a transition
between a hadron gas and a Quark Gluon Plasma. The dependence of $v_{1}$ and higher flow
harmonics on system size and beam energy may be sensitive to the degrees of
freedom in the system, as a consequence of early pressure gradients and a potential softening in
the equation of state. In this talk,...
Chun Shen
(Ohio State University)
8/14/12, 3:15 PM
Global and collective dynamics
Oral Presentation
We present a systematic study on the evolution of hadron spectra and their azimuthal anisotropy from the lowest collision energy studied at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), √s = 7.7A GeV, to the highest energy reachable at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), √s = 5500A GeV [1]. As the collision energy increases, the resulting increases of the initial temperature, and fireball lifetime,...
Li Yan
(Stony Brook University)
8/14/12, 3:35 PM
Oral Presentation
The particle spectrum from RHIC and LHC can be decomposed into harmonic series that defines the dipolar flow $v_1$, the elliptic flow $v_2$, the triangular flow $v_3$, and $v_4$, and $v_5$ etc. To understand the origin of higher order harmonics, we extend the linear response formalism for anisotropic flow to include the non-linear response which results from the interactions between the lowest...
Gabriel Denicol
(Frankfurt University)
8/14/12, 3:55 PM
Global and collective dynamics
Oral Presentation
We present a general derivation of relativistic fluid dynamics from the relativistic Boltzmann equation using the method of moments [1]. The main difference between our approach and the traditional 14-moment approximation is that we do not close the fluid-dynamical equations of motion by truncating the expansion of the single-particle momentum distribution function. Instead, we keep all the...