Shu Lin
17/08/2012, 16:30
New theoretical developments
Oral Presentation
One of the most difficult problems still to be understood is the mechanism of fast thermalization in heavy ion collisions. The problem involves dynamics in strong coupling regime and physics far from equilibrium, therefore is hardly tractable by usual method. The gauge/gravity duality naturally maps the formation of quark gluon plasma to another fundamental problem in black hole physics:...
grigory ovanesyan
17/08/2012, 16:50
New theoretical developments
Oral Presentation
We derive the splitting kernels for partons produced in large Q^2 scattering processes that subsequently traverse a region of strongly-interacting matter using a recently-developed effective theory Soft Collinear Effective Theory with Glauber Gluons (SCETG). We include all corrections beyond the small-x approximation, consistent with the power counting of SCETG. We demonstrate how medium...
Andrej El
(University of Frankfurt)
17/08/2012, 17:10
New theoretical developments
Oral Presentation
We demonstrate that the shear viscosity of a two-component mixture of point-like partices has a non-trivial time dependence, which is induced by the intrinsic coupling between the two particle species. The shear viscosity coefficient of a mixture calculated using the Green-Kubo relation does not have this time dependence and hence is not sufficient to describe dissipatie hydrodynamic behavior...
Gokce Basar
(Stony Brook University)
17/08/2012, 17:30
Oral Presentation
I study the properties of the Euclidean Dirac equation for a light fermion in the presence of both a constant abelian magnetic field and an SU(2) instanton. In particular, I analyze the zero modes analytically in various limits, both on R^4 and on the four-torus, in order to compare with recent lattice QCD results, and study the implications for the electric dipole moment of the instanton...
Pol Gossiaux
17/08/2012, 17:50
Oral Presentation
Recently, we have proposed a microscopic approach for the quenching and thermalisation of heavy quarks (HQ) in URHIC \cite{Gossiaux:2008,Gossiaux:2009,Gossiaux:2010}, assuming that
they interact with light partons through both elastic and radiative processes evaluated by resorting to some parameterization of the running coupling constant, while those partons are spatially distributed along...