Thorsten Renk
(University of Jyväskylä)
15/08/2012, 08:30
Oral Presentation
Hard probes are a cornerstone in the ongoing program to determine the properties of hot and dense QCD matter as created in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. The first two runs at the LHC have resulted in a wealth of measurements of both reconstructed jets and single inclusive high P_T hadrons, opening new kinematic windows and offering high statistics. Yet on first glance, several...
Leticia Cunqueiro
15/08/2012, 08:50
Oral Presentation
To capture the full dynamics of the mechanisms of energy loss of hard partons in their passage through the dense medium created in Heavy Ion Collisions, jet reconstruction is required. In this
analysis we explore the radiation pattern of jets in Pb–Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV and compare it to that of baseline pp jets at the same collision energy. Di-jets are selected by requiring...
Pelin Kurt
(Vanderbilt University (US))
15/08/2012, 09:10
Oral Presentation
Jet shape measurements are important for many applications. When measured in pp collisions they can be used to constrain generator and showering settings. When measured in PbPb collisions they can be used to probe for distortions from energy loss in the hot and dense medium. Fully unfolded jet shape measurements will be presented and compared with generator expectations in 7 TeV pp collisions,...
Martin Rybar
(Charles University (CZ))
15/08/2012, 09:30
Oral Presentation
The recent measurements of jet suppression at LHC indicate a presence of "jet quenching" -- strong energy loss of energetic jets in hot and dense QCD medium which has been already observed at RHIC experiments. We present a measurement of jet properties which sheds more light on the mechanism of jet energy loss. We will discuss the results of measurement of longitudinal, and transverse...
Frank Ma
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
15/08/2012, 09:50
Oral Presentation
The jet fragmentation function of inclusive jets with pT > 100 GeV/c in PbPb collisions is measured for reconstructed charged particles with pT > 1 GeV/c within the jet cone. A data sample of PbPb collisions collected in 2011 at a center of mass energy of √sNN =2.76 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of Lint = 129 μb−1 is used. The results for PbPb collisions as a function of...
Fabio Dominguez
(IPhT Saclay)
15/08/2012, 10:10
Oral Presentation
The new studies of heavy ion collisions performed at the LHC have shown the necessity to improve our understanding of parton propagation and gluon emission in the presence of a hot QCD medium. In particular, the ability to measure jets in heavy ion collisions implies that, in order to fully understand jet quenching phenomena, we must go beyond leading parton energy loss and attempt to describe...