4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

HERWIRI2: Exponentiated Electroweak Corrections in a Hadronic Event Generator

6 Jul 2012, 09:30
Plenary 3 (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre)

Plenary 3

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Parallel Sessions Track 1 - The Standard Model and EW Symmetry Breaking - Higgs Searches Plenary3 - The Standard Model -TR1


Dr Scott Yost (The Citadel (US))


Reaching the desired precision level for W and Z processes at the LHC will require a mixture of higher-order QCD and electroweak corrections. HERWIRI2 is a step in implementing QED x QCD exponentiation in a hadronic event generator. This program implements leading electroweak corrections and coherent exclusive exponentiation in a HERWIG environment. We discuss the status of the program, recent tests, and future developments.


Dr Scott Yost (The Citadel (US))


Bennie Ward (Baylor University (US)) Miroslav Hejna (Princeton University) Valerie Halyo (Princeton University (US))

Presentation materials