4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

ATLAS measurements of WW, WZ and ZZ

6 Jul 2012, 12:00
Plenary 3 (Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre)

Plenary 3

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Parallel Sessions Track 1 - The Standard Model and EW Symmetry Breaking - Higgs Searches Plenary3 - The Standard Model -TR1


Dr Chris Hays (University of Oxford (GB))


ATLAS measurements of diboson production processes involving ZZ, WW and WZ final states are presented. Differential and total visible cross sections are measured for channels involving leptons and neutrinos, and differential distributions are presented. In the ZZ->2l2nu and WW->lnulnu channels, jet vetos are applied. Total cross sections are derived, and limits are set on anomalous triple-gauge couplings.


Dr Chris Hays (University of Oxford (GB))

Presentation materials