Aleksandrs Aleksejevs
(Memorial University of Newfoundland (CA))
Compton scattering offers a unique opportunity to study the dynamical structure of hadrons over a wide kinematic range, with polarizabilities characterizing the hadron’s active internal degrees of freedom.
We present calculations and detailed analysis of electric and magnetic and the spin-dependent dynamical polarizabilities for the lowest in mass SU(3) octet of baryons.
These extensive calculations are made possible by the recent implementation of semi-automatized calculations in chiral perturbation theory which allows evaluating polarizabilities from Compton scattering up to next-to-the-leading order. The dependences for the range of photon energies covering the majority of the meson photoproduction channels are analyzed.
Aleksandrs Aleksejevs
(Memorial University of Newfoundland (CA))
Svetlana Barkanova
(Acadia University)