4–11 Jul 2012
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
Australia/Melbourne timezone
ICHEP2012 - 36th International Conference for High Energy Physics

Tetraquark-based analysis and predictions of the cross sections and distributions for the processes e^+ e^- -> Upsilon(1S) (pi^+ pi^-, K^+ K^-, eta pi^0) near Upsilon(5S)

7 Jul 2012, 18:00
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Melbourne Australia
Board: 37
Poster Sessions Track 6. QCD, Jets, Parton Distributions Poster Session


Dr Satoshi Mishima (INFN Rome (IT))


We calculate the cross sections and final state distributions for the processes e^+ e^- -> Upsilon(1S) (pi^+ pi^-, K^+ K^-, eta pi^0) near the Upsilon(5S) resonance based on the tetraquark hypothesis. This framework is used to analyse the data on the Upsilon(1S) pi^+ pi^- and Upsilon(1S) K^+ K^- final states, yielding good fits. Dimeson invariant mass spectra in these processes are shown to be dominated by the corresponding light scalar and tensor states. The resulting correlations among the cross sections are worked out. We also predict sigma(e^+ e^- -> Upsilon(1S) K^+ K^-)/sigma(e^+ e^- -> Upsilon(1S) K^0 Kbar^0) = 1/4. These features provide crucial tests of the tetraquark framework and can be searched for in the currently available and forthcoming data from the B factories.


Prof. Ahmed Ali (DESY) Dr Christian Hambrock (TU Dortmund) Dr Satoshi Mishima (INFN Rome (IT))

Presentation materials