Satoru Yamada
(Tohoku University (JP))
KamLAND-Zen is an experiment for neutrino-less double-beta decay search with 136Xe.
A newly constructed balloon was installed inside the current 13m diameter KamLAND balloon and filled with 136Xe loaded liquid scintillator in 2011. The data taking was started in October 2011 and the first physics results were obtained with an exposure of 77.6 days with 129 kg of 136Xe. We measured the two neutrino beta-decay half-life of 136Xe, T1/2(2nu)=2.38 ± 0.02(stat)±0.14(syst)×10^21 yr and obtained an improved lower limit for the neutrino-less double-beta decay half-life, T1/2(0nu) > 5.7×10^24 yr at 90% confidence level.
Satoru Yamada
(Tohoku University (JP))