Mikhail Danilov
(ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))
The B factories — the Belle detector at the KEKB collider in KEK and the BaBar detector at the PEP II in SLAC — have, in more than a decade of data taking, outreached the initial expectations on the physics results. They pointed out few hints of discrepancies between the Standard Model (SM) predictions and the results of the measurements. To experimentally verify the current hints of possible new particles and processes often addressed as the New Physics(NP) a new generation of B factories - the Super B factories - are planned to start operation around 2015. The so-called precision frontier represented by the machines requires the achieved luminosities of the B factories to be raised by O(10^2). We will present the planned measurements and some of the expected precisions on various physics observables which will be reached by the Belle II detector currently being built at KEK. We will comment on the tests of various NP models that will be possible with the upgraded detector.
Mikhail Danilov
(ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))