Martin Sevior
(University of Melbourne (AU))
The next generation of B factories (so called super B factories) are designed to accummulate a 50 times
larger data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 50 ab^-1. To achieve the necessary increase of event rates by a factor of 40, a substantial upgrade is required both of the accelerator complex as well as of the detector. To maintain the excellent performance of the detector, the critical issue will be to mitigate the effects of higher backgrounds (by a factor of 10 to 20), leading to an increase in occupancy and radiation damage, as well as fake hits and pile-up noise in the electro-magnetic calorimeter. Higher event rates require substantial modifications in the trigger scheme, DAQ and computing relative to the current experiments. In addition,
improved vertex detection and hadron identification are needed, and similarly good (or better) hermeticity is required. We will discuss the requirements for the SuperKEKB accelerator and for the Belle II detector, both under construction at KEK, and review several innovative aproaches in detector design. Finally, the
status of the project will be presented together with the plans for the future.
Martin Sevior
(University of Melbourne (AU))